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Ended 07/31/10 1:15 AM GMT
Winner: tealeaves
(See the full results)
That's less than 4%.
And I contributed 2 of those 8.
We're especially lacking in CG artists. There are still some fractalists around, some of them fairly prolific.
In 104 pages of new images (x 36 = over 3700 images), there are only 19 categorized as Computer - and 5 of those don't belong >:-(.
If, as it appears at present, we have "Eyes" as the topic, could we please not have any images with the painfully corny title "The Eyes Have It"?
Pretty please?
For myself, I have several non-photograph, non-fractal ideas for "Eyes". Whether I can realize them is another question ...
If there is some prejudice going on wishing won't fix it but wishing out loud is a good way of blaming some general group for some perceived ill.
A topic is what people make of it and many people are quite concrete and literal in their mental frameworks. "Eyes" or "Windows on the soul" if you interpret "eyes" as windows on the soul then how does the word "eyes" limit your creative response in any way? This particular issue, of a particular topic being limiting if taken literally comes up quite often in these contest discussions. We are the artists, it's up to us to respond to whatever limitation we personally perceive and transcend it with our creative powers.
A word in defence of literalism. How is a literal shot of a door somehow a less creative response to "doors" than a metaphorical or evocative image? I don't think it is. It could be a poor photo of a door or a poor metaphorical image. Literal or metaphorical is it good? That's all that counts.
Finally, aside from these centrally organised contests it's easy enough for any member to setup their own contest, start a forum thread, go find the fractalists or digital magicians on the site and promote the contest to them, other's have some similar things, when it really mattered to them.