Lyneve posted a photo of a Ferris Wheel arm and had us guess what it was. I thought that would make a fun contest. Fractologists could make something as well.
Tolkien-esque. Something that may have come from the mind of JRR Tolkien. A scene - photographic, manipulation, or cgi - an abstract elvish or dwarfish pattern, even a fractal that reminds you of something from Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit or any other of his books. Many examples of art inspired by his book on the internet for inspiration.
I suggested 'heat' because it can be interpreted several ways (temperature, passion, pressure, etc) and would be open to different types of artists. Plus, it's been hot as heck lately. ;)
I'm going with Tolkien-esque because Coram's description of it opened up possibilities for any kind of artist and it's such a different and therefore challenging concept and I reckon that challenge is when the best is drawn out of us each.
Tolkien-esque: Lots of opportunities here, such as 'two towers', 'white gate' a forbidden forest and a prancing pony. Now, where did I leave my Tom Bombardil pipe?
By "life in the country" I mean something like a farm scene, a girl/boy on a bicycle, a small shop, church. There are many things one can choose with this theme, I think.