
Contest Results: Standing out from the Crowd

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 05/07/14 10:15 AM GMT
Winner: mirto56 (See the full results)

1st place
NYC by mirto56

Marzena: This has been one actual "eye-opener" for me this morning LOL
Although I generally prefer men attired more decently and wearing expensive casual clothes after all.
Doug dear, this contest promises to be a real fun and interesting experience.
Good luck and for God's sake, fella put on some clothes! LOL

mirto56 received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Different by rozem061

mesmerized: Congrats, John...this rainbow cow deserved placing in the contest.

corngrowth: A winner to me John. Will have my vote if I'm invited for voting.
Makes me smile as well. Thanks my friend!

Regards, Cornelius.

rozem061 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
A Duck in the Monochrome World by Nikoneer

mirto56: That was my first did you do it? Practice, okay...but???? Nevertheless, I like all the thought and work you did in setting this one up, NIk. I'll be you even used a little Windex and elbow grease to get the metal to shine. An excellent concept for the current contest. You've got a winner here.

4th place
nude sunbather by solita17

0930_23: Congrats on your placement in the contest HF. I thought it might finish higher.


(Viewed Full Screen-again) ☂

Marzena: Great shot, dearest agent SAL. I see all the most active and devoted SOS members have already been here ...
We should ask Doug [mirto] maybe to join us - he seems to follow us anyway :).
Thanks for this feast for the eyes and delight for artistic souls and spirits.

5th place
Red & White by Dunstickin

GIGIBL: Great shot Bob well done.

mesmerized: Congrats, OB1, on placing in the contest.

Ramad: Sharp shot of the group. Yes the young fellow doesn't look very enthusiastic. Will be a good entry.

icedancer: Excellent entry and he really does stand out. Good Luck