
Contest Results: Letter & Numbers

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 10/13/14 8:15 PM GMT
Winner: bfrank (See the full results)

1st place
Love Never Fails by bfrank

GIGIBL: Excellent work Frank well done.

J_E_F: Neat - Google-doodles will be calling.

tigger3: Now this is really thinking out of the box, very creative, and a superb contest entry. A big bravo! =^..^=tigs♥

mesmerized: Creative, clever...well spotted and presented...super entry, of luck.

bfrank received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
W is for Why by mirto56

bfrank: That's a beautiful picture Doug and a good one for the contest. What happened on that day will always be a big why for many. My niece was in that building at that time of that terrible day. I thank God she was alright.

mirto56 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
AXL by Ramad

picardroe: Very well done Raj.

Joanie: Actually, its really cool Raj! Good idea and good luck!!!

GIGIBL: Great work Raj well done .Good luck in the contest

braces: This is good and clever and well presented. It should be entered into the competition.

4th place
Letter from Paris by Heroictitof

danika: Beautiful! Best wishes in the contest.

bfrank: Congrats on your placement in the contest. Good job.

Flmngseabass: Spectacular!!!!!!!!!! Superb image with a beautiful lighting and the ultra "soft" water adds a dimension of surrealism!!! Bravo on this gorgeous image:)

5th place
Succomb by 0930_23

icedancer: Perfect entry with this wonderful shaped "S", wonderful detail and colour, now is this a dried up worm? Good Luck in the Contest

corngrowth: Think it's still edible Tick. Birds without seasoning, human beings with salt and pepper.
Good Luck Owd Fella!