
Contest Results: My Town - Take It Or Leave It

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Ended 04/06/15 4:15 AM GMT
Winner: stylo (See the full results)

1st place
Sleepless in Brooklyn by stylo

jerseygurl: Congrats on 1st place Chris!!!

rvdb: Chris A 1 work my kinda dark place.


icedancer: Gorgeous old building with beautiful brick and stone work, also like the cool store off to the left, looks like great things to check out. That's one old water tank and your post work makes a fabulous posting

stylo received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Death of a Square by 0930_23

LynEve: Very well presented Tick.
The combined photos remind me of a disaster area - which in a way it is, stretched out over 10 years. Such a shame to see the hearts of small towns destroyed.
Best of luck in the contest.

0930_23 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
wednesday evenings at the port by solita17

bfrank: Congrats for placing third Mary.

icedancer: Really unique find and capture, cool way to show us your town. Great entry and good luck

0930_23: Very ingenious HF.
A great entry.


(Viewed Full Screen) ☂

4th place
Paramount Cinema by Jimbobedsel

Ramad: I like how the building fills the whole area. Nice and clear textures and good colour tones in this. It certainly makes a good entry for the contest Jimbob.

mesmerized: Congrats on placing in the contest, Jim.

tigger3: I like the stone work, and details of this grand old building, really nice Jimbob. tigs =^..^=

5th place
Easton collage by gonedigital

mesmerized: Congrats on placing in the contest, Phil.

Eubeen: You could always throw a dart at them and pick the one it lands in. Great shots and collage. Best of luck in the contest.

Tootles: This was really interesting and I spent some time looking at it. Had a good laugh at myself too, as I was thinking "this could be anywhere in my own country," (just assuming it was overseas somewhere), then caught sight of the back of that white van and realized... it was! As though the title wasn't a big enough clue. :-)

Nice work, anyway -- good luck in the contest!