
Contest Results: My Town - Take It Or Leave It

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Ended 04/06/15 4:15 AM GMT
Winner: stylo (See the full results)

1st place
Sleepless in Brooklyn by stylo

FlimBB: this is a great manip!. I do love your work - you put a lot of thought and all of your heart into it.

rvdb: Chris A 1 work my kinda dark place.


0930_23: Congrats on the win in the contest.

mesmerized: Super entry and manip, Chris...especially like the inclusion of that water tower and the overall be honest, if that's ok, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that big blue moon but it certainly makes it a unique night-time composition...I'll take it! of luck.

stylo received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Death of a Square by 0930_23

jerseygurl: Fantastic post Tick!!! I really liked how you combined the images of your town in the collage. It may not be pretty or idyllic but unfortunately many towns are in decline. You did stellar work on this image Tick and I think that it will be a good contender for the current contest. Good luck!!!!!

0930_23 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
wednesday evenings at the port by solita17

koca: Great shot, Mary. Good work.

mesmerized: Congrats on placing in the contest with this very inventive idea.

FlimBB: Grats on your 3rd place win in the contest. This was a great idea and you pulled it off well.

mirto56: A creative perspective on your town, Mary. The Cape must be beautiful to see in the summertime. Good luck in the contest!

4th place
Paramount Cinema by Jimbobedsel

Eubeen: What movie are we seeing and who's buying the popcorn?
Great character in the old cinema building. Nice details, tones and lighting in the photo, Jimbob. Best of luck in the contest.

trixxie17: This would be a great entry Jim - so many of these old movie palaces have been torn down and this one has wonderful Art Deco elements on it's fa�ade.

5th place
Easton collage by gonedigital

Dunstickin: Looks great Phil

Lots to see, and keep the eyes wandering around these urban scenes!

GIGIBL: Excellent collage good luck in the challenge.

mesmerized: Congrats on placing in the contest, Phil.

Ramad: I like the one in the centre and the one to the right of it.