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Ended 04/06/15 4:15 AM GMT
Winner: stylo
(See the full results)
FlimBB: WooHoo, congratulations on 1st place, Chris!
FlimBB: this is a great manip!. I do love your work - you put a lot of thought and all of your heart into it.
jerseygurl: This is a really cool image Chris!!! You did a great job taking the time exposure and dropping in the manip work really makes this shot special or should I say extraordinary!!! I love the bank architecture with the palladium windows - also the lit retail space on the left adds nicely to your shot as well. Excellent!!! A great entry for the contest!!!
stylo received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
Marzena: Do I see the winner...?! All I know this minute is that I can sense that dust and other debris right in my lungs and in my eyes... Very strong and impressive work, agent.
Am very much impressed and will vote for this one, given chance and opportunity...
But it seems that once without camera Caedes members are regarded as invalids thus unable to vote ! LOL
Hugs & congratulations on this "ugly" winner!
0930_23 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
0930_23: Congrats on your 3rd place finish in the contest HF.
It was a great entry.
mirto56: A creative perspective on your town, Mary. The Cape must be beautiful to see in the summertime. Good luck in the contest!
mesmerized: Congrats on placing in the contest, Jim.
Marzena: Yes, I agree that if there is anything really detestable - it is them multiplexes... Where are those old buildings, sometimes from good architectonic school and, yes, where are those good ole movies, like those for instance James Bonds with Roger Moore ?!
Yours devoted & furiously disapproving of them Craigs-like Bonds,
mesmerized: Thumbs up here, Phil...great collage and you really get a fuller picture of life in your area now, which is how I interpret the contest theme...all individual shots good ones too...best of luck.
0930_23: Congrats on your placement in the contest Phlossie. It was a great entry.