
Contest Results: In Disguise

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Ended 02/11/16 1:15 AM GMT
Winner: 0930_23 (See the full results)

1st place
Do Not Disturb by 0930_23

biffobear: I had one of these as a pet when in the far east...Funnily enough Fly's kept their distance...Well spotted...R.

mesmerized: Great eye spotting this one, Tick...the critter is so well camoflaged...super entry for the of luck.

0930_23 received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
I'm A Tree by mirto56

mirto56: This photo was taken at a local nature park in Lignano, Italy. Thanks for commenting, Alex.

corngrowth: Doug, congratulations for your second place in the 'In Disguise'

mesmerized: His coloring and texture of coat certainly blends in with the tree....great shot and entry, of luck.

mirto56 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Chameleon by Ramad

icedancer: Fantastic entry and a Congratulations on your 3rd Place, fabulous shot and detail

braces: What chameleon? I can't see a chameleon! Good luck.

GIGIBL: Nice close-up of the Chameleon Raj very well captured.

GomekFlorida: Good luck with this entry!

4th place
Watching and Waiting by jerseygurl

tigger3: Eek I do not like spiders at all, but anything is game when it comes to the camera. Lol! This is a great contender for the contest. tigs-^..^=

Ramad: If you don't look closely it can be mistaken for a part of the plant. Good find and capture Laura and good luck in the contest if this isyour entry for the contest.

5th place
Grasslands by ekowalska

Constance52347: Extraordinary! The soft tones are just lovely! s&f

jerseygurl: Simply beautiful Ewa - the natural colors and tones are wonderful - Excellent Capture!!!!

tigger3: This is so beautiful, the subtle colors convey simplicity, at it's finest. Bravo on this one Ewa, I love it. tigs=^..^=