
Contest Results: light

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 06/09/16 1:15 PM GMT
Winner: ekowalska (See the full results)

1st place
Meet me at a country road by ekowalska

icedancer: Marvelous capture and scene - I really like this Ewa, gorgeous - a super entry and good luck

mesmerized: I am up early today which is a rarity for me but what a gorgeous sight to welcome me...beautiful lighting and capture, Ewa...a great entry for the of luck...faved.

ekowalska received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Cowboy Heaven by PatAndre

Flmngseabass: Congratulations Pat for your 2nd place win with this wonderful entry!! This has lots of character:)

trixxie17: Really cool shot and the lighting is wonderful Pat _ an excellent entry.

gonedigital: Nice entry Pat. (o:

Nikoneer: There's a couple of these here in North Dakota, one just outside my hometown, but they don't compare in quality and character to this one. Good interpretation and image treatment, Pat.


PatAndre received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Natural And Artificial Guidance by corngrowth

Starglow: Wonderful capture and fine entry.

elektronist: As always very well framed and taken photo. Good luck in the contest.

PatAndre: Yep, kudos on bagging two light sources in one image. And well done too.

trixxie17: Wow - what a great entry Mr. C. - 2 light sources that complement each other not to mention a gorgeous night sky. This should do very well!

4th place
Belly of the Beast by Eubeen

jerseygurl: Congratulations Wendell on taking fourth place!!!!!!!!!

icedancer: Wowser, brilliant design and those colours are fabulous - right into my favs - Bravo - love it

Ramad: Good work with your idea and colors and also with your title Wendell.

5th place
Sparky by stylo

mirto56: I see you were wearing proper safety clothing and a ball cap to prevent hair loss. A fun shot that turned out great, Sty. Sorry to learn that Mrs. Sty isn't too pleased with you. I can't wait to see what you dream up for the 4th of July.