
Contest Results: light

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 06/09/16 1:15 PM GMT
Winner: ekowalska (See the full results)

1st place
Meet me at a country road by ekowalska

Vickid: Exquisite capture, clarity superb, setting and composition perfect. Favorite. Good luck in the contest!

PatAndre: Congrats on your ist place win in the contest. A fine entry indeed.

jerseygurl: Congratulations Ewa on taking first place in the contest - Well Deserved!!!!!!!

ekowalska received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Cowboy Heaven by PatAndre

Ramad: And not to forget the music in the background as the horses finally "take off" with the cowboys ! Nice silhouettes against the glow.

trixxie17: Really cool shot and the lighting is wonderful Pat _ an excellent entry.

PatAndre received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Natural And Artificial Guidance by corngrowth

Dunstickin: Super shot of the 'Light'!

Both subjects highlight each other, making it look great..

Good luck in the contest old friend

Constance52347: A real stand-out! Good luck on this great entry!

mesmerized: Beautiful moon shot and the tones and subject matter too...faved.

4th place
Belly of the Beast by Eubeen

davidson02: Congratulations from all of us at

mesmerized: Congratulations, Wendell!!!

Vickid: This is almost three dimensional, it is fluid, smooth, has a striking effect, a stunning piece. Bravo!

jerseygurl: Very cool image Wendell - enter it into the current contest - Excellent Work!!!!!!!!

5th place
Sparky by stylo

icedancer: This is so cool and so glad you took safety steps to be near at hand. A wonderful entry and Good Luck

mesmerized: I think 'that idiot in the middle' did a darn good job on this...for the contest?...with a name like Sparky it oughtta' be in there.