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Ended 07/30/16 7:15 PM GMT
Winner: calinthematrix
(See the full results)
mesmerized: Congratulations taking first place with this delightful entry...reminds me of my own 2 kids at that age, a girl and a boy, the girl a year older.
Constance52347: Terrific image! Both in quality and subject!
icedancer: Congratulations on the 1st Place - job well done
calinthematrix received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
GomekFlorida: Great job in winning 2nd place!
Flmngseabass: Outstanding entry Mr.C. Your imagination was in full force here buddy. Great entry forsure.
mesmerized: Congrats on 2nd place, SEA, with this clever and convincing entry.
tigger3: Oh now this is excellent Mr. C. A big pat on the back for this super find, that is perfect for the contest! tigs=^..^=
corngrowth received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
rvdb: Congrats on your win.
mesmerized: Great intro and POV, Ted...makes an impressive entry...best of luck.
jerseygurl: Congratulations Ted on taking 3rd place in the contest!!!!!!!!!
PatAndre: I can picture myself having passed out during the night under this cactus and then waking up in the morning and...and...(gulp) l-l-l-l-l-l-l-looking up!
GIGIBL: Excellent shot very well captured.
Lightpainter: I like that. A picture within a picture. I also like the idea of a science teacher interested in art.
Ramad: Congrats on your 4th place Sandi.
PatAndre: That would be a good one for Point of View contest. Nice.
PatAndre: This would be a good one for the contest. It certainly has a definite point of view.
rvdb: Congrats on your win .
jerseygurl: What a ride - you captured the essence of speed - Excellent!!!!!!!!
Flmngseabass: My eye!!! Awesome image Richie!!!!!!! It just sucks you in!!