
Contest Results: Photographic Manipulation

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 06/08/17 12:15 AM GMT
Winner: Dunstickin (See the full results)

1st place
When Worlds Collide by Dunstickin

GomekFlorida: I like it. Far out.

gonedigital: Would make a suitable book cover for a Isaac Asimov novel. Cool manipulation Bob. (o:

Ramad: Well done with this image Bob. A collision seems unavoidable here.

corngrowth: ----When Worlds Collide----

Hope that it won't come true, Bob.

Think you was the best student of this photo-shop class because it's a great manip. Magnificent work, Owd Mucker!

Dunstickin received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Cottage Industry by Tootles

purmusic: Are you entering your image here to the current contest, Tootles?

You are?

Good good. ;o)

Nikoneer: I'm glad you discussed all the work you did on it, and now it reminds me so much of the work of the 19th century French impressionists. Delightful and definitely "worth it." My major in college was for fine art and I spent a heckuva lot of time at an easel. I absolutely love the fact that I can do the same thing at my computer, where I can save various versions of my work until I'm satisfied, something I could never do with canvas and paint. Also, now that I'm in my 60s, I can't sit upright at an easel for hours and hours like I used to do. I highly suggest you enter this in the current manipulation contest. It's a placer for sure.


Tootles received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Going walkabout by gonedigital

flanno2610: Wow - how did you manage this?

questjester: Congratulations on the contest!!

gonedigital: No need for praise folks 3rd place is nothing to brag about.

questjester: That is so cool and masterful!! Brilliantly done.

Good luck in the contest!

4th place
Elven Tree by bfrank

Flmngseabass: Frank. You're a genius!!! Absolutely splendid with such a whimsical and fairy like demure. Love it!!!

LynEve: Congrats on your contest placement Frank.
This shows real imagination and takes us into another world.Lots of places for an elf to hide :)

5th place
The Seasons Change Quickly in Dakota by Nikoneer

tigger3: Lol! Now this is different, and I really like! tigs=^..^=

Flmngseabass: This is fabulous ans so funny Nik. Thanks for brightening up my day!!!

questjester: lmao ...

Clever and creative. Best of luck in the contest!

corngrowth: This can happen only in North Dakota, 'Nik' (☺).
Great manip however. Meets perfectly the contest topic.
Good luck with this entry, my friend!