
Contest Results: Seen From Above

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 06/08/18 3:15 AM GMT
Winner: Dunstickin (See the full results)

1st place
Looking Down2 by Dunstickin

bfrank: Great bird's eye view Bob. Looks like a good entry.

corngrowth: Bob, of course it's up to you, but when compared with the previous one, to me this one is a better contender for the current contest. The first one was a funny one (think that I better can speak of a hilarious one) while this one is a very serious one with a very original 'bird's eye view' and/or top-down approach.
Seen and captured perfectly!
If you would decide so, wish you Good Luck with it Owd Mucker!

Dunstickin received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
The Fallen by Allie_P

rvdb: Congrats on your contest win.


jerseygurl: Congrats on 2nd place.

Dunstickin: Well done on Runner up in the contest...I really like this post.

0930_23: Congrats on your second place win in the contest. Great entry.

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Allie_P received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Dreaming by koca

Starglow: Tis a great view and I would be dreaming too. Terrific angle.

Dunstickin: Well done on 3rd placement in the contest Milka...such a lovely picture.

0930_23: Congrats on finishing 3rd in the contest
Good entry.

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4th place
Selfie by gr8fulted

jerseygurl: Congrats on 4th place.

Vickid: Now that is using your imagination! Wonderful idea and result is superb!

gr8fulted: Nik:
I got a DJI Mavic Air. Better for traveling. Smaller, more compact, 4K video just as well, and lots of extras the Phantom SE didn't have.

5th place
Honey Where Is My Sneakers by bfrank

0930_23: Congrats on the finish in the contest Frank.

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Flmngseabass: Utterly fantastic piece of artwork Frank!!!! So cute and perfect for the contest:)

Ramad: This makes a good entry Frank. With such colors no need for "Honey" to search very long. :)