
Contest Results: Something in the Home

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Ended 09/18/20 10:15 PM GMT
Winner: 0930_23 (See the full results)

1st place
Respect by 0930_23

Dunstickin: I agree with Raj...Right Title!...

A family story with a history that will last through eon's!...

A perfect entry..(And, a possible winner) in the current contest

corngrowth: Owd Fella Tick (OFT), why apologize for an excellently documented narrative?
In any case, it makes clear to us what we see in your photograph.
The photograph shows too that you very honor the memory of your late father. That commands respect.
We're about the same age. Even though we live in different countries, I can clearly see parallels. My father was born in 1922 and passed away in 2003. I still have a lot of photographs and videos of him. When I look at them (often with my brothers), feelings of reverence and respect emerge too.
That's why I think to know what you're feeling.
My late father always said in his life: "Even though I have passed away, I will live on as long as people think and talk about me."
Your photo is a great tribute to your late father. It's also an excellent contribution to the current contest.
I wish you the Best of Luck with it!

0930_23 received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
A Happy Clock ... by Vickid

bfrank: Congrats on 2nd place, Vicki.

0930_23: A cute shot with the lighting and shadows making it look even better Vicki. I assume this will be your contest entry. It is a good one.
Good luck should you enter it.

0930_23: Congrats on your 2nd place finish in the contest Vicki. Great entry. It was a winner in my book.

Vickid received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Boots by Lin_O

tigger3: Good job on this one, something different, and I like. tigs=^..^=

corngrowth: Linc, by viewing your capture, THIS SONG came into my mind.
I suppose however that you've a more useful goal with them, 😜 !

4th place
Bed by Dunstickin

Ramad: The pot has become the centre of attraction! If you go to bed after 3 pints of "black and tan" you won't make it to the loo. So the pot is the only help.

koca: Great work, Bob. So realistic.

za4em9: Huh, I have one of those "extra accessories" for decoration under my bed, too. Beds through the centuries are something to ponder...

5th place
My Corner by Ramad

tigger3: Very nice, looks so warm and comfortable. tigs=^..^=

koca: Beautiful corner, I know you enjoy it there, Raj. And, good luck, my friend.

Dunstickin: A neat quiet corner...A place I could sit and enjoy reading a good book!

Good luck in the contest!..