
Contest Results: Patterns Nature Makes

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 06/06/10 12:15 AM GMT
Winner: Mythmaker (See the full results)

1st place
We'll Grow Up To Be Dunes. by Mythmaker

colocolor: Congratulations! Great image and well deserved win. anne =D

kindred_spirit: Great entry for the contest. Good luck!

Bursa: Congrats, well done.

SatCom: Trying to catch up on comments...sorry for the delay.
I think we have a winner.

Mythmaker received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
twists and turns by jeenie11

corngrowth: Based on what I've seen up till now (inclusive my own contribution), like to say that to me this is one of the best entries for this contest.
Good Luck Jen.
Regards, Cornelius.

Nikoneer: Yes, I absolutely agree with the comments on the thread about this one. It's going where it belongs, in the P-gallery along with all the other beautiful and unique photos and graphics.


jeenie11 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Jig Jag by wheedance

kindred_spirit: This is truly beautful. Well cropped post production. Congrats in advance.

Mythmaker: Hi Hilda, congrats on a great photo, the cropping/comp is genius. Likewise congrats on your competition placing, I think this one must have been a bit of a "roll of the dice", if the wind blew differently on the day we'd be in different positions.

4th place
Show Me The Way by SatCom

wheedance: Beautiful shot and message! Hope things are going better for you. I'd call this a God-sighting.

Mythmaker: Congratulations on your contest achievement Paul, glad your elegant shot was recognised for the quality it has.

5th place
Patterns of the Sea in the Nautilus by verenabloo

colocolor: Wonderful shot V. Congratulations on placing in the contest. I'm sure the judges had a tough time deciding - all five top entries were great. I really like your angle on this. Nice job. anne =D

luckyshot: Verena - Congratulations on being recognized among the top five in the contest. When the contest topic was announced, it was a cutaway image of the nautilus shell that first came to my mind. I am glad it came to your mind as well, proving either I'm not crazy or we both are. ;-) Thad