
Contest Results: Emptiness

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Ended 08/05/11 8:15 PM GMT
Winner: krt (See the full results)

1st place
Tengger Desert by krt

LynEve: Congratulations on your first placement in the contest Kevin :)
It is a lovely image, but not a place I would care to get lost in :)

0930_23: Congrat's on winning the contest. Obviously it was a good entry.


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krt received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Without by LynEve

Logun7: Congratulations!!!

Ramad: You have a great imagination and you have shown it often in your posts Lyn. This is a very good manipulation and your explanation is truly touching.

rvdb: Lyn congratulations with your win in the contest well deserved.


LynEve received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
The unfortunate by Zethus

FlimBB: Congratulations. An excellent work indeed.

Con_: Floris... I don't care for the subject... in my mind, there is no way to make a picture, of a homeless person (sleeping in a cardboard box!), attractive (appealing). A subject of that nature can only have a negative impact on a photo in my opinion. Even the tell-tale buggy to the right hiding in the dark is a negative for me. But that's me! :o)

The title is appropriate. It was your request that got me to look at your image closely. Hopefully somebody who can separate the artistic skill from the effect of the image will deal with your request...

The fact that I can react like this to your image could be a positive for you... depending upon your intentions!

Oh... by the way, I think this could fit into a contest Caedes is having right now... for Emptiness. Enter it to have yet another kind of opinion expressed. Navigation... Contest - should get you to where you need to go! :o)

4th place
Shattered by casechaser

Roseman_Stan: I like what you are doing with these John. Truly art. As Jim stated, "Excellent"!!

allisontaylor: An excellent interpretation of the subject. The contrasts of color, her sideways position and shattered visuals add so many elements to consider. I sense a pervading notion of lost as much as loss.

5th place
Desolated Beach 2 by corngrowth

rozem061: Congratulatons on your 5th place in the "Emptiness"
contest, Cornelius !

Jimbobedsel: Great job lining up those things for the shot. Do you have someone to help you take them back down? LOL. Excellent shot again, Mr. C. Good luck in the contest.