
Contest Results: The picture tells the story

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 07/11/12 10:15 AM GMT
Winner: Ramad (See the full results)

1st place
Fishermen by Ramad

Dunstickin: It has a very good chance of a win Raj!...Love the tones, and it does portray a story of a working family

elektronist: Great silhuette photo with simplicity. Excellent work, Raj.


Dunstickin: Good on yer for winning mate!

Ramad received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Where's My Dinner! by Sivraj

LakeMichigan: Congratulations
on your placing in the contest.
Great entry and capture.

Fifthbeatle: The lighting is superb! Very inviting place to look at, nice and warm. I like the older gent with what appears to be a black tie on. I don't see that around here much. Have you considered this for the contest?

Sivraj received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Mercy? by CDHale

LynEve: A splendid contest entry Christie ! :)

tigger3: I'm so glad you entered this one,and it did so well, congrats!
Tigs♥ =^..^=

LakeMichigan: Congratulations
Christie on your placing in the contest !

CDHale: Thanks Everyone! I'd like to say no animals were injured in the making of this photo, but I can't. I do however find it relevant to our next contest topic "Life & Death". It will not be a series. -Christie

4th place
That's A Winner! by 0930_23

Eubeen: Dang, for all the dust how does anyone know where their plate from home is? I just hope it ain't granny's fine china or the commemorative Elvis plate buried under all that dust.

A great action shot of your grandson playing tag. I reckon he'd of had an easier time of it if he'd tagged the overweight fella in the blue instead. Probably stand a better chance of getting away afterwards as well. From the onlookers expressions you folks take your playground games very seriously.

A great shot, Tick, and best of luck in the contest.

5th place
Left for Dead by lnoyes

Logun7: Congratulations!!!!

lnoyes: Thank you all!!!

0930_23: Congrats on placing in the contest. High praise.


(Viewed Full Screen)

Flmngseabass: Congrats!! You just sneaked in there with a 5th place honor!! Congrats on this cool shot:)