
Contest Results: The picture tells the story

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 07/11/12 10:15 AM GMT
Winner: Ramad (See the full results)

1st place
Fishermen by Ramad

Dunstickin: It has a very good chance of a win Raj!...Love the tones, and it does portray a story of a working family

LakeMichigan: This is an excellent capture and entry for the contest.
Love the tones of this , it sets the mood .
Well done.

Ramad received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Where's My Dinner! by Sivraj

Flmngseabass: Way to go Ray!! Feels good eh?? Congrats buddy:):)

Starry173: Enjoyed this shot. He definitely seems to be focused on the food preparation! It is not too usual around here to be seeing your food (or someone else's food, worse yet) prepared so close to where you are waiting.

Sivraj received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Mercy? by CDHale

icedancer: I'm with Sandi on this, this magnificent shot tells a story and poor little mouse, what a pleading expression on his face.
Really would be a Superb entry and if you do Good Luck

0930_23: Congrats on your 3rd place finish in the contest.


(Viewed Full Screen)

4th place
That's A Winner! by 0930_23

Ramad: This is a nice action shot Tick and a very good capture with sand flying all over with the action. That is the whole idea of a tournament - to have fun - because everybody knows that all of the teams cannot win.

5th place
Left for Dead by lnoyes

100k_xle: Story indeed. A very Sad Story. Best of Luck.

Jhihmoac: Looks that way...Faved...

J_E_F: Good work on this one. Interesting and cool in B&W.

solita17: Great entry... I'm glad you got this one shot. Old buildings or cars or railroad cars intrigue me, as if they belong to the past and somehow got lost in the present.