
  Shades of Paris - tutorial  

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Uploaded: 04/23/09 8:49 PM GMT
Shades of Paris - tutorial
Views: 2910
Dlds: 499
Status: active

Well, I promised you guys a more detailed tutorial on how I work a while back and even though it took a long time I did it at last. :) Obviously it's a summary but it does describe all the important steps. One thing I forgot to mention in the tutorial is that the blend mode and colors I used here won't always work with others landscape/city photos. It worked here mainly because of the lighting in the original shot I think (winter light, late afternoon). And I didn't get it right the first time either, there's a lot of going back and forth... In fact, while doing this tutorial, I played with the image again and found a version more to my liking (see version 4")... so yeah possibilites are endless. :) Anyway, I hope it helps. Have fun !


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04/23/09 9:21 PM GMT
0∈ [?]
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. —Japanese Proverb
04/24/09 1:23 PM GMT
very interesting indeed!! worthy of reading, i loved the shot and what you did to it.
0∈ [?]
04/24/09 8:16 PM GMT
You're spilling the beans! Great tutorial on a great manip.
0∈ [?]
04/24/09 9:54 PM GMT
Very interesting insight on a beautful image. Thanx Lucy.
0∈ [?]
04/24/09 10:46 PM GMT
Thanks, and no problem, it was high time I did this :)
0∈ [?]
06/11/10 6:48 PM GMT
With over 700 processes hidden within today's Photoshop, and me a master of maybe three of them, I can always stand to learn. Thanks for the tip! Great shot, by the way -- love the result.

0∈ [?]

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