
  Re-work of Nightfall across the Severn Estuary # 3  

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Uploaded: 06/04/12 11:55 PM GMT
Re-work of Nightfall across the Severn Estuary # 3
Views: 2745
Dlds: 145
Status: active

Phil (gonedigital) requested, at my suggestion, that I show him what Corel's Paintshop Pro X4 could do in cleaning the digital noise from his original.  I first tried X4 on the copy here at Caedes and then his original... both in jpeg format.  He was somewhat happy with the result but not fully!  After a chat, I then converted his original into .png and then used X4's digital noise reducer on the .png file.  I had noticed that the original jpg file went from 6+ Meg to 600+ K- a substantial loss.  The result from a 13.4 M .png file was a 10.4 M .png file... much more acceptable.  I had placed the 2 sample points in the dig. noise reducer to just below the bridge and just to the left of it... with settings Sm. 20, Med. 30, Lrg. 40.  Phil liked this result best.  I don't trust my aged eyes to make decisions for anybody but me!  ☺   Thanks to Tom (Tomeast) for introducing me to noise reduction and to Erja (Inkeri) for getting me into Corel Paintshop Pro!         Phil's original post here at Caedes Returned... to give an update on cleaning digital noise in an image... (Jul-23-2014) I still like Corel's Paint Xseries best for this task. If someone has found an equal or better... pls make note.


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06/05/12 12:22 AM GMT
Outstanding work Con. Top notch in every way. AC nominated.
1∈ [?]
All I know is, I am not home yet, This is NOT my Home. Take this World, & Give me Jesus... Building 429
06/05/12 12:31 AM GMT
☺  Not only does this show what Corel X4 can do to clean an image's noise but it shows us that the use of .png gives better quality images than .jpg, just like we are informed when posting!  I, for one, must remember this!
0∈ [?]
06/05/12 1:20 AM GMT
I am warning you, two boys, Phil and Con. This is the last one I am saving and if this procedure continues, I will start selling the copies of this image !!!! LOL
May be this is better, must check once again but hay fever is killing me tonight. Perhaps tomorrow as they promise some bigger and more showers then.
SAM & SAAB [who is only sneezing...]
1∈ [?]
With all my love and respect, Marzena
06/05/12 2:30 PM GMT
You went to a lot of trouble to filter this image, and the final result is outstanding, there's no grain visible nor is there any blotchy patches.

Neat Image simply couldn't cope with the noise, so full points to Corel Paintshop Pro X4, and congratulations to you Con on this fine achievement. (o:
1∈ [?]
Vote on your future here, and check your monitors calibration here.
06/05/12 7:14 PM GMT
Great work.
1∈ [?]
06/06/12 6:13 PM GMT
Very nice post processing work, Con.

Thanks to both, you and Phil (aka gonedigital) for this fine image.
1∈ [?]
06/06/12 7:45 PM GMT
Corel X4 does pull some wonders now and then. Great looking image.
1∈ [?]
08/29/12 9:40 PM GMT
Nice job...Faved...
0∈ [?]
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