This is lovely - delicate yet powerful. I'm not usually much of one for pale pinks/lilacs, but these work just perfectly here. I'm a little less keen on the colour of the "leaves", but that is just a matter of my personal preferences. In any case, it's a very nice image and I really like it.
I got to vote 10 on this lovely in the voting booth and then wondered why I hadn't seen it before..well, I've rectified that situation for sure and I can't wait to see more of this high caliber of fractal work...beautiful and of course in my faves :)PJ
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is.
Albert Camus
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phasmid tipped me off to your exquisite and astounding creation here on the "A Voting Game!!!" discussion thread.
I am most impressed. Ok, seriously impressed. Alright, astounded ... if I may be redundant.
This ... this is amazing. Ask pakalou94, and I quote; "hey good shot" ;o)
It really does at first glance look real. Even realism aside, you have created a very well-balanced flame and composition. Incorporating the colour palette that you have ... perfect.
Very nice work, and but of course ... thank you for sharing your talents.
Here you go Donna, A Voting Game!!!. In particular phasmid's posting at 15/12/06 14:06 and a reply to that posting by moi and subsequent visit to your image here.
A belated Christmas present of sorts. :o)
p.s. An aside ... I keep track of the artists I visit by their replies as they appear on my profile page, so periodically someone like yourself who replies directly on their images' page gets a little lost in the shuffle. No worries ... I'll find you again. :o)
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This is just peaceful, blissful, romantic, and beautiful! Sorry for being cheesy, but it really touches the heart, at least it does mine, and I love it! Beauty! =)
Nice job!
- cfr