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Here's the revised version of "I think my eyes just popped out" I really didn't like the vertical borders so I used the clone stamp tool to extend the starfield. I also put the globe and moon a bit off center to give you more room for your icons. Hopefully you all will like this :) Image created by Reto Stöckli, Nazmi El Saleous, and Marit Jentoft-Nilsen, NASA GSFC.
Here's their description of how it was made: "This true-color image shows North and South America as they would appear from space 35,000 km (22,000 miles) above the Earth. The image is a combination of data from two satellites. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument aboard NASA’s Terra satellite collected the land surface data over 16 days, while NOAA’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) produced a snapshot of the Earth’s clouds."