
  XenonDreamzZ Too  

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Uploaded: 05/19/13 12:06 AM GMT
XenonDreamzZ Too
Views: 1036
Dlds: 11
Status: active

XenonDreamzZ (a.k.a. Iris) - Fashion Editor of the Artopolis Times...She wears whatever she likes, however...

...A newer version of this older character concoction...

See Also: Dark Hydra...


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05/19/13 1:11 PM GMT
She's all ready for whatever comes her way, :). Great illustration Ron. Tigs♥ =^..^=
0∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
05/20/13 5:43 AM GMT
There are so many wonderful and creative details in these ladies! She is gorgeous Ron! I love the colors, the hair, the dress, the high (but comfy-looking) shoes and especially her shadow.
0∈ [?]
Spend a few minutes each day being grateful for what you have and who you have to share it with.
10/24/18 2:15 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
04/12/20 7:02 PM GMT
Cool work Yogi. Guess I missed this one.
0∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.

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