Very nice first-flower photo, Katerina! There's good depth of field in here and lovely composition. The main flowers on the right may be a wee over-exposed, causing some detail loss but overall - very well done!
First time? You did exceptionally good work, but I believe you tried to show too much. Your DOF is too good. Concentrate on the flower and not its surroundings. Many times softening the background focus helps make the flowers jump out at you.
I agree with ResDes and katman in their assessments, so since they've done the "dirty work" can sit back and tell you that I think that for a first time attempt, you did a mighty fine job...keep up the good work and you'll be posting with the flower pros on here :)PJ
Wonderful job, I think you achieved what you wanted to show. Sometimes a flower is a flower is a flower. Nature at its best and you captured it very well. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.