
  The Pink Javelinas of Sedona  

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Uploaded: 05/25/19 3:00 AM GMT
The Pink Javelinas of Sedona
Views: 669
Dlds: 340
Status: active

Walking down the main thoroughfare of Sedona, Arizona you can't help but notice the pink javelina and its offspring. The color is so striking even in the colorful town. It stands out even more in a black and white ambiance. -My entry for the contest-


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05/25/19 12:48 AM GMT
What a cool find, and perfect for the contest, good luck.
2∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
05/25/19 4:40 PM GMT
Excellent entry for the contest. The "Pink Javelina" are squealing with joy.


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2∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
05/25/19 5:36 PM GMT
A great one for the contest, good luck!
2∈ [?]
Long before the white man and long before the wheel, when the dark green forests were too silent to be real. Lightfoot 1967
05/26/19 9:00 PM GMT
An unusual sculpture...great work on the selective color...very of luck in the contest.
2∈ [?]
06/01/19 5:04 PM GMT
Really cool selective and super for the contest
2∈ [?]

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