
  Caedes Spider  

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Uploaded: 11/16/08 12:51 AM GMT
Caedes Spider
Views: 2328
Dlds: 98
Status: active

Made in Photoshop. Thanks for looking and comments always appreciated.


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11/16/08 1:54 AM GMT
Oh this is very cool. I think that Caedes should let you design some T-shirts for them. ; ) they would turn out great.
0∈ [?]
God has created fantastic beauty for us to photograph and fantastic photographers to bring out that beauty in unique ways.
11/16/08 2:35 AM GMT
This is really good Mariana. I enjoyed your other gallery as well. You are laden with talent. Great creation.

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I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. Anyone who does not like clouds, does not like to dream. The Ghost
11/16/08 3:01 AM GMT
Yes, I'm caught up in the Caedes bubble! lol You did a terrific job on this, Mariana. I like the black, white and gold. It would be a very popular design. It's good to see you.
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"Felicity is a tree whose root is certitude and crown is serenity"...Frithjof Schoun
11/16/08 3:38 AM GMT
WOW!! nice design Mariana. you really did it big here. it's no wonder you sold some of your work, you are an artist!! i'm just a person who presses the button when God winks. YOU create beautiful stuff.
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11/16/08 3:24 PM GMT
Very cool!! Luv the twinkles!!
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Why do the pictures come out square when the lens is round??
11/17/08 12:57 AM GMT
Excellent! =^..^= sandi ♪

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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. ♪ ♫ ♪sandi ♪ ♫ ♪
11/18/08 7:27 PM GMT
0∈ [?]
Loving my new job!

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