
  Avis Custodes  

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Uploaded: 08/30/21 10:39 PM GMT
Avis Custodes
Views: 360
Dlds: 197
Status: active

(Avis Custodes is Latin for Bird Watchers.) Patient by nature, willing to traverse long stretches at uncommon times of the day. Frequently solitary, but also known to congregate. I would call myself one, minus the fancy gear and the lists. A good resource for identification is: The Cornell Bird Lab


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08/31/21 10:20 AM GMT
Paul, on many of my former photo shoots I met bird watchers. They didn't tell me anything about their specialty because silence was required. Because of their equipment, I initially thought they were using large telephoto lenses but, on closer look, I found out that it were special binoculars. An interesting activity that requires a lot of patience, perseverance and knowledge.
Your photo visualizes this activity perfectly!
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