
  Lily pond  

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Uploaded: 05/27/05 10:11 PM GMT
Lily pond
Views: 3870
Dlds: 606
Status: active

Rising up to greet the sun.


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05/28/05 12:13 AM GMT
Awwww, your swamp has waterlilies.. Too dry for that here..
Pretty, like the framimg..
0∈ [?]
05/28/05 1:04 AM GMT
Now that I look at it again .. I think I'm going to do a rework.
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05/28/05 2:16 AM GMT
Waiting for the rework. Curious now. Love these colors! ;)
0∈ [?]
When you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance... Leanne Womack
05/28/05 2:57 AM GMT
I saw the lily pads and got excited! I love lily pads as you can tell from my photos as well. Yours are beautiful.. love the frame
0∈ [?]
Silly boys... Jeep's are for girls!
05/28/05 9:11 AM GMT
Don't know what you want to change...this is quite beautiful, Rob, but will look for re-work.:Pat.
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Join me and Let's Talk.
05/28/05 1:45 PM GMT
I agree with Pat?
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I'm walking on sunshine! Webshots
05/28/05 1:50 PM GMT
i'm holding out for the rework?
0∈ [?]
How to store your baby walker, first remove the baby...
06/29/05 6:44 PM GMT
I really like your Lily pond series, Rob. Great nature shots :-)
0∈ [?]
01/14/08 1:57 PM GMT
oooo!! aaahhhh! Gorgeous!
0∈ [?]
All of earth is crammed with heaven And every bush aflame with God But only those who see take off their shoes. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning<p> mygallery

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