moment of silence please for those who never get the chance
they show up to the party but they're never asked to dance
the losers the liars the bastards the thieves
the cynicists, the pessimists and those that don't believe in nothing
-streetlight manifesto
Great picture. Real evil but also cool!!! I love this picture and it also makes a good desktop background. You should make an angel one if it's not too hard!
"When I think of God, I think of what I can see, smell, taste, feel and benefit from; then I walk outside. I will not be contolled by any religion, I will simply bathe in the warmth of the sun and take within me, the sweetness of the earth. This is the only God I know and I will NEVER fear him!"
I hold it true that thoughts are things; They're endowed with bodies, breath and wings:
And that we send them forth to fill the world with good results, or ill.
That which we call our secret thought speeds forth to earth's remotest spot, leaving it's blessings or it's woes like tracks behind it as it goes.
We build our future, thought by thought for good or for ill, yet know it not.
Yet so the universe was wrought .
Thought is another name for fate.
Choose then thy destiny and wait, for Love brings Love and Hate brings Hate. - Henry Van Dyke.