

Click here to view at full resolution.
Uploaded: 04/01/04 1:28 PM GMT
Views: 7893
Dlds: 3226
Status: active

just a little image i whiped up


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04/01/04 7:11 PM GMT
Very Devilish, good job. =\
0∈ [?]
The only species that is cruel just for fun is the human.
04/01/04 7:12 PM GMT
i like it, good job
0∈ [?]
04/01/04 9:11 PM GMT
very nice. kinda insane. but thats a complement
0∈ [?]
moment of silence please for those who never get the chance they show up to the party but they're never asked to dance the losers the liars the bastards the thieves the cynicists, the pessimists and those that don't believe in nothing -streetlight manifesto
04/02/04 11:36 AM GMT
Very sick couz :D , great job man, love the style!!
0∈ [?]
<< - Jon86 - >>
04/02/04 1:40 PM GMT
I like it,very good job!!.
0∈ [?]
carpe diem.
04/03/04 12:19 AM GMT
Ive already told you too many times how much i think this picture ROCKS!!!
0∈ [?]
My door is always open so feel free to leave anytime!
04/03/04 12:59 AM GMT
Great picture. Real evil but also cool!!! I love this picture and it also makes a good desktop background. You should make an angel one if it's not too hard!

10/10 and in my favourites!
0∈ [?]
04/07/04 5:10 AM GMT
Awsome blend of textures!
0∈ [?]
"When I think of God, I think of what I can see, smell, taste, feel and benefit from; then I walk outside. I will not be contolled by any religion, I will simply bathe in the warmth of the sun and take within me, the sweetness of the earth. This is the only God I know and I will NEVER fear him!"
04/18/04 4:19 PM GMT
Very unique! Great job.
0∈ [?]
Quoth the Raven; "Caw!"
05/26/04 1:27 AM GMT
This picture is fully sick! great job man!
0∈ [?]
06/18/04 10:44 AM GMT
Very impressive the colours really seem to set the image off nice work well done
0∈ [?]
- pixels are only the beginning unless you started at the end -
07/21/04 6:06 PM GMT
It's so good, It makes me tingle.
0∈ [?]
~♥~♥~ The Beauty of One's Soul Rests Upon the Wings of a Butterfly ~♥~ Vanessa
09/19/04 4:27 PM GMT
cool.. i like it.
0∈ [?]
10/05/04 12:53 AM GMT
im using it as my background can look at it in so many different ways hehe
0∈ [?]
11/22/04 7:05 PM GMT
great I think it will be one of my favorites.
0∈ [?]
12/08/04 8:01 PM GMT
Thats hot man, I like the background!
0∈ [?]
Dont Open Portals leading to hell.
03/05/05 4:51 AM GMT
great desktop, wow
0∈ [?]
I hold it true that thoughts are things; They're endowed with bodies, breath and wings: And that we send them forth to fill the world with good results, or ill. That which we call our secret thought speeds forth to earth's remotest spot, leaving it's blessings or it's woes like tracks behind it as it goes. We build our future, thought by thought for good or for ill, yet know it not. Yet so the universe was wrought . Thought is another name for fate. Choose then thy destiny and wait, for Love brings Love and Hate brings Hate. - Henry Van Dyke.
05/11/05 4:52 PM GMT
did you draw the demon avatar yourself or did you get that from elsewhere?
0∈ [?]
05/11/05 11:20 PM GMT
I drew the avatar myself in illustrator and brought it into photoshop and used some filters and such on it.
0∈ [?]
(Insert enlightening comment here....)
09/03/05 4:44 PM GMT
Wow, good job! I like the O in demonic. Oh yeah and the skull too!
Keep it up.
0∈ [?]
Due to technical difficulties, the light at the end of the tunnel will be turned off.
06/21/06 8:37 AM GMT
awesome the skull is heaps good too
0∈ [?]
08/21/06 11:45 AM GMT
excellent shading and color scheme
0∈ [?]
10/25/09 6:23 PM GMT
Yeah...Yeah...Yeah...Nice old post...(smiles)...Into the Favs...
0∈ [?]
"I ain't afraid of no ghost..." - RAY PARKER JR. Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery

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