
  An gullan  

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Uploaded: 06/06/05 6:26 PM GMT
An gullan
Views: 2172
Dlds: 406
Status: active

A herring gull on the harbour wall at St Ives. The word "gull" apparently derives from the Celtic languages - "an gullan" is Cornish for "the gull". 4th June '05.


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06/06/05 8:06 PM GMT
Appears completely oblivious. Great close-up with pretty and non-distracting background. Nice Simon.
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When you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance... Leanne Womack
06/07/05 1:22 AM GMT
A lot of folks really hate these birds, but I don't. They're actually among the most savvy. This is a wonderful shot - SO CRISP. Thank you for sharing it. 10 here :-)
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~"In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths" (Prov. 3:6).~
06/07/05 5:46 AM GMT
Oh, I lvoe this cpature SImon. The eye is so detailed and distinct as is the beak. I have never studied an gull this close. It is fascinating. Thank you for the comment also regarding the name. I wondered where it came from, but I was too lazt to look it up! Thanks ;))
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~ Mimi~
06/07/05 7:16 AM GMT
great clarity in colour and detail. well done.
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
06/07/05 11:42 AM GMT
Thank you all :-) Gulls certainly can be a nuisance, but how much of that is down to the way we leave rubbish lying around for them to scavenge? They're still beautiful birds, particularly in the right setting.
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06/07/05 3:05 PM GMT
That’s an impressive shot of the Gull against a perfect background. He looks like he’s about to give you a mouthful of cheek.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/07/05 8:04 PM GMT
Dgp was right, another great shot.How can u get so many good photo's, I think the pisky's are looking over you!!!!
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06/08/05 3:17 PM GMT
Simon, this is wonderful! Way to go buddy!
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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
06/10/05 3:46 AM GMT
So beautiful against the blue water background! Very nice!
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Whatever you are, be a good one. -Abraham Lincoln
06/10/05 7:04 AM GMT
Thank you all :-)
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07/09/05 11:23 AM GMT
hello there, simon :) oh, i'm so behind my regular caedes exploring.. this marvellous image had been waiting for me to comment on it :)))

i love the beautiful blue background, it's one of my favourite blue shades.. it creates a fabulous contrast with the soft white feathers of this little gull. i like the look in its eyes, it resembles some intellectual snob :)
the image is so sharp, like i'm standing in front of the gull and taking its portrait :) wow... :)

thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of work with us! enjoy your day :)
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~~~ ...all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream... ~~~
08/03/05 4:36 PM GMT
The deep blue background makes a great contrast and without overtaking everything it make the pic very vivid.

The bird looks a bit evil to me though.
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<P>- what you bring is the measure of what you get</P><A href="">onx</A>
08/05/08 1:27 PM GMT
i love your duck it is so cute:)
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