I was with my Uncle Rich today at Wisconsin Memorial Park. He told me all about Memorial Day and that his Grandpa is buried here. They have lots of big flags flags here. Here are a few. Hope you like them.
How lucky you are to have someone take the time and tell you about this great country of ours Mark. Your Uncle Rich is just the man for the job. I like the photo with the freedom flowing on the breeze that stirs the flags.
Nice photo and nice to see you post an image. Good luck to you.
I like this shot of yours Mark, this picture you took of the big flags blowing around in the breeze is just fantastic hon. The sun shining on The Stars and Stripes is somehow just perfect seeming. I hope you & your Uncle Rich had a great day as well !!!
Wow, what a great shot, Mark...a nice clear picture and with the flags blowing in the breeze makes it even more interesting...I think you outdid your Uncle Rich with this one and I'm sure you and he had a good day together.
Very nice of you to visit with your Uncle and remember those that have served! I found out that Memorial Day goes back to the Civil War. Thanks Mark! Allen
Nice photo and nice to see you post an image. Good luck to you.