
  Resizing Images Tutorial Part 2  

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Uploaded: 06/14/06 9:58 PM GMT
Resizing Images Tutorial Part 2
Views: 4420
Dlds: 937
Status: active

This tutorial is done in Photoshop CS2, but the same tools and options exist in lower versions and Elements. If your menus don't show exactly the same options as mine, but have the ones you need, you're in the right place. Photos from stock xchang 1 and stock xchange2.---------This tutorial shows how to add space to your images rather than cropping them to fit the 4:3 format. If you'd like to crop them, please see Tutorial 1---------For creating gradients and beveled edges, and working with layers, please see these 2 tutorials by Nathan (nmsmith) Creating a Photoshop Jewel and Creating a Style in Photoshop (Gold)---------While you're in the effects menus, check out some of the other options… play around and see what you can do. 8•)


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06/14/06 10:30 PM GMT
thanks for all your work on this, now you can sit back and wait for the next forum post on 'how do i resize my images?' ;-)
0∈ [?]
06/15/06 12:46 AM GMT
lol. that was kinda the pt 8•)
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One man sees things and says "why?", but I dream things that never were and say "why not?"
06/15/06 1:08 AM GMT
it's about time someone did this ;P
all of those posts like phil mentioned ;P
0∈ [?]
Andrew VS. Jerry in Glare Wars...who'll win!?
06/15/06 1:15 AM GMT
Thanks for this Cat! Very well laid out and easy to understand..=)
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"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun -Pablo Picasso My Gallery
06/15/06 3:01 PM GMT
Excellent tutorial. Well designed and clear. God bless the folks who make tutorials. :)
0∈ [?]
06/15/06 6:00 PM GMT
Clearly thought out & cleanly presented....thanks bunches for this Cat ! Much appreciated ! :o)
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Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls .......Let The Machine Get It ........ MY GALLERY
06/15/06 7:06 PM GMT
thanks a bunch.
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Desire is half of life; indifference is half of death. Kahlil Gibran
06/16/06 3:25 PM GMT
bunches thanks .. oh, DRATS .. (*stage fright strikes again*)
0∈ [?]
06/22/06 12:43 AM GMT
just wondering what harm is done, or difference made by instead reducing pixel count in a program like "picture it!" which i've done so far, and because i dont have photshop :' (
0∈ [?]
06/22/06 12:46 AM GMT
in general it will make your images blurry and pixelated when you post. try irfanview which is a free program. 8•)
0∈ [?]
06/22/06 12:51 AM GMT
thank you kindly :o)
0∈ [?]

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