
  Reflections / Checking In  

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Uploaded: 11/19/12 2:49 PM GMT
Reflections / Checking In
Views: 1328
Dlds: 46
Status: active

Hey everyone. I was going through old sites I used to frequent and remembered I hadn't checked in here in a long time. Was wanting to see how the community has evolved. As for me, college and work has kept me occupied, and I don't get to take photos as much as would like. The photo itself, though possibly utilizing too many filters, is a fun little shot I took during college a few years back. You'd be surprised how beautiful the colors were against the trees while you were there, so I livened the photo to help set the scene (still can't quite afford a good camera). This is a reflection of the fountain at a social event on campus.


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11/20/12 8:57 PM GMT
Sometimes the story is more important than the photo quality; this is a fine example of that/..Merci!
0∈ [?]
11/22/12 5:51 AM GMT
I really like this! It's cool and unusual. I think the neon colors and the people look great with the darkness of the scene.
0∈ [?]
Spend a few minutes each day being grateful for what you have and who you have to share it with.

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