
  3 Looking for a Meal  

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Uploaded: 08/02/10 4:23 PM GMT
3 Looking for a Meal
Views: 312
Dlds: 16
Status: active

This one is almost the same as the other one, but I was able to catch three in this one before they all flew away.


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08/02/10 4:44 PM GMT
They are so cute. Lovely scene. Great photo.
0∈ [?]
08/02/10 4:45 PM GMT
Three now, huh? Looks like the pickings are kind of scarse in the image...I guess they moved on to something a bit easier...Nice capture...
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"Put up...or SHUT UP!" Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery
08/03/10 1:06 AM GMT
Hi, Brandon...

To be perfectly honest, I find that "Looking for a Meal" is far superior to "Three Looking for a Meal".

"Three Looking for a Meal" is interesting in that it appears that we have a momma, papa and a baby. However, it's awfully dark...too dark for my tastes anyway. My eye is immediately drawn to the area behind the birds where the water has created a reflection.

However, in your image "Looking for a Meal", the birds are perfectly silhouetted in the reflecting water. The focus seems much better, and there is something very stark about this shot. Additionally, there are traces of pastels in the reflection which adds drama to an already interesting shot. Finally, there are three distinct horizontal areas. The simple gray sand foreground followed by the very interesting areas of birds, color and reflection and finally another equal sized areas of gray sand. I call this sandwich shot. In the VB, I'd give "Looking for a Meal" and 8 out of 10 and "Three Looking for a Meal" maybe a 4 at best.

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"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific."
08/03/10 4:46 AM GMT
Mum, Dad and the Littleun? :)
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It is not "The powerful attack the weak." it is "The fearful attack what they fear."
08/09/10 3:24 PM GMT
I agree with Roger Brandon but I really like the photo otherwise.
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A bee sting in life is just that a sting
08/09/10 3:41 PM GMT
Ah the excitement of capturing birds in the wild. They're bright and colourful, interesting and quirky.

As with flowers, their natural beauty is hard to improve upon with a camera.

And it's about comparisons. This shot does not compare to your other posting, which certainly has merit.

Personally, I've found this web site like an additional accessory to the camera. I no longer just point and press and hope that natural beauty will morph into a National Geographic magazine cover. So it's also more of a burden to be self critical and self aware about the shots that you take, as with each you strive to improve technique, composition and editing.

Most of all, have fun and whether you like comments or not, stay true to what you like to do and keep posting.
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