
  A Rose for Mom  

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Uploaded: 05/13/07 1:22 PM GMT
A Rose for Mom
Views: 662
Dlds: 118
Status: active

Morning dewdrops covered my roses yesterday. I particularly liked the way this shot came out. This rose is called Neptune, and it's very fragrant in addition to being very beautiful. I dedicate this to all Moms everywhere, especially to the memory of my own. Thanks to all who view and comment. View full screen, please.


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05/13/07 1:26 PM GMT
What a lovely Rose and presentation and tribute.
Happy Mothers Day to you Donna! > sandi♪ ♫
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I really enjoy hearing from my caedes friends.
05/13/07 1:26 PM GMT
I'm sure she will love this beautiful rose. Nice soft morning light.
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Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual. Edward Weston
05/13/07 1:40 PM GMT
Wow, a lovely gentle colour... it definitely shows love, not that of romantic love but of motherly love... soft, caring. I'm sure your mum would love it :)

Gem xx
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I wish I was a glow worm, a glow worm's never glum. How can you be gloomy when the sun shines out your bum? *runs off into distance giggling*
05/13/07 1:46 PM GMT
a beautiful post, and not just the photo, but the love behind it.
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"To The World You Might Be One Person; But To One Person You Might Be the World." My Gallery
05/13/07 1:47 PM GMT
Wonderful Photo Donna. Happy Mothers Day to you and all.

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05/13/07 3:54 PM GMT
This is heavenly, Donna! I guess your mom will receive it there. Dew drops? Like I ever rise in time to see the dew drops, but maybe I should since this image is so inspiring. The color is beautiful and the rose is perfect and beautifully full framed in the best light. Thank you for the dedication and a Happy Mother's Day to you.
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You will be led to the knowledge of the internal things which are invisible to you, by the external things which you see before you. . . . Even so then, we can represent to ourselves in thought the Author of all that is, by contemplating and admiring the (visible) things which He has made, and ever brings into being. - Hermes
05/13/07 5:11 PM GMT
A beautiful sight Donna and such lovely words. The color and lighting is amazing. I'll add it to the memory of my mom as well and wish you a very Happy Mother's Day. Glad you shared this beauty today. Anita
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After a bit of an absence, partly vacation but mostly tax season...busy for bookkeeping businesses... I'm glad to be back out here with at least 'some' regularity. I've missed everyone and am glad to have a little more time again.
05/13/07 7:38 PM GMT
A gorgeous rose and lighting...a wonderful Mothers' Day gift and poignant sentiment for those of us whose Mom is no longer with us...thank you...favs.
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05/13/07 8:20 PM GMT
Wondewrful rose Donna, what a fitting post on mothers day. :)
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Always remember - Follow the Yellow Brick Road, it will lead you to the Emerald City and OZ A very nice place to repose. Trust me on this one, I live there. :-)................ MY GALLERY - THE LION****Another Site I'm AT - MY DA HOMEPAGE
05/13/07 10:15 PM GMT
Beautiful shot of a Wonderful rose..Happy Mothers Day..
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05/13/07 11:25 PM GMT
this is a beautiful rose. The shot is a good example of what you can do when you have the skill like you do. Great shot.

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AKAJON: Most people lye asleep and notice nothing around them. Just wake up and see the natural beauty around you. It will blow you away.
05/14/07 1:19 AM GMT
Beautiful Donna! The "dew" is the "crowning touch".
Happy Mothers day! What a beautiful tribute.
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05/14/07 3:13 PM GMT
Since I was busy yesterday being a Mom, I am way behind today, but I couldn't let this one pass without saying something since it went straight into my fave file. What a lovely tribute to the memory of your mother. She left behind a loving daughter, and I guess that's about the best tribute of all.


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"You may forget. But let me tell you this: someone in some future time will think of us."
05/15/07 4:53 PM GMT
Just look at the tiny droplets on the flower, that makes it a 10 +
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Basic photograpy lesson nr 1 :remove your lenscap..
05/18/07 3:13 PM GMT
I totaly agree with Hans. Looks lovely with these tiny dewdrops. Happy Mothers Day to you too :)
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05/19/07 4:45 AM GMT
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? A C-score of 67? No, no, no! What is the matter with people? This is drop dead gorgeous. Such an unusual color. You had to be disappointed with this score. All those marvelous folds and the detail. It's an unqualified 10 in my book.
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05/21/07 8:30 PM GMT
I agree with Pat, great post, I will never tire of flower photos. I hope you put this one on your website. Sorry I have not been commenting much lately on your photos, I am trying to catch up.
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Some of my best photos are now available for sale on my website. My Photos
07/08/07 6:54 AM GMT
This is beautiful, Straight to my favs.
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"Imperfection is beauty; madness is genius & it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. And when it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm really better than them."--Marilyn Monroe
07/09/07 10:39 PM GMT
Simply breath taking.
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