
  Blues Collection Slide Trombone  

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Uploaded: 06/07/09 11:37 AM GMT
Blues Collection Slide Trombone
Views: 4262
Dlds: 446
Status: active

This photograph is the second of four photos called The Blues Collection and originally published by Verkerke Productions. The photo is made in the mid '90s and taken on film and not digital edit. Specifications: Sinar 7" x 5", Kodak film process E6, Scheider 240mm, Broncolor light. I hope you like it. EvK


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06/07/09 3:35 PM GMT
Simply marvelous. With the trombone, the whiskey bottle and glass on the chair, you can just sit an imagine all kind of things from this picture. For example: The musician has just got done playing a piece that has reflected his mood of deep depression, indicated by his need to have the whiskey right there with him, while he sat in this lonely room. He is now walking around, with his head hanging down, wondering what his next move in life will be.....You could write an entire movie script just from this picture. It is very moving to me. Wonderful work, Evert.

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06/08/09 12:35 AM GMT
I agree with Jim, Evert! Every element that should be here is here! Even the smoky haze! And of course the drink! Don't tell me you did this in one photo again. LOL! I bet you did! I hope to see a whole lot more of your photos and consider it an honor!
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06/08/09 6:37 AM GMT
Hi Guy(s). Thank you for the compliment. And yes, "one-shot" but... because it was shoot on film and digital photography was not invented I had to take many exposures (with different lights-setting) on the same film withhout moving the camera. It's complicated but worthwile I think. There are two more Blues Collections coming up, the next thing after the fourth of this serie I intend to upload will be very arguable I think. Greetings EvK
0∈ [?]
06/08/09 7:06 AM GMT
Gorgeous post with a superb quality.
Evert, watching your work thus far, makes me, as an amateur on this site, humble and shy. Hope however to see more of work. Thanks too for the interesting information.
Regards, Cornelius.
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Cornelius was here either to enjoy your image or say 'thank you' for your interest in my gallery. In the first case, please CLICK HERE to see my work!
06/08/09 7:19 AM GMT
Hi Cornelius, in addition to my comment on Roses2, there's no reason for you or anyone else to be "humble and shy". Honestly. But, yeah, Trombone was a full days work, and yeah a lot of equipment on hand, and yeah, I got payed for it so... maybe it isn't so "superb" as you think.
But again... thank you for the compliment, it should be me to be grateful, (and I am).
Greetings, EvK
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06/08/09 10:11 AM GMT
Another great post Evert! Love the lightning again in your photo.. Mich
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06/08/09 10:15 AM GMT
Hi Mich, nice too hear from you again. And I just looked at your portfolio: Great pictures. I understand that you also live in Holland? Nice dag... or Fijne dag verder
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06/10/09 12:33 AM GMT
I particularly like the lighting, the shadows and the star filter effect on the trombone. You've shown a very bloozey and jazzy photo here. The combination of that wooden chair, the light above and that old wooden floor is just perfect. Nicely done. Verena
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Poetry is the language in which man explores his own amazement. ~Christopher Fry
06/11/09 3:11 PM GMT
Thank you for reaction(s), comment(s) and compliment(s). EvK
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04/22/10 2:17 AM GMT
I love this picture. Trombones not what I play but this is a beautiful capture of the instrument. Really got the feel of jazz and the roaring 20s. Thanks for sharing.
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04/22/10 2:18 AM GMT
Where have I been last year in June ?!
Fascinating, professional and charming [which is very important to me = the bottle + the glass ARE charming !!! LOL]
Love the lights, reflections/shadows, mood and composition - in fact all about it.
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With all my love and respect, Marzena
07/15/10 6:27 PM GMT
Beautiful floor, and I love the leg not quite touching and the lit top edge of the chair back. The rich wood and metal tones you got for this series are spectacular.
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