
  St Kliment  

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Uploaded: 09/25/08 7:14 PM GMT
St Kliment
Views: 1448
Dlds: 106
Status: active

The new church St Kliment, built on the old foundations of the old St Kliment. This is also a well known archeological site.


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09/26/08 4:22 AM GMT
Very interesting building. I'm enjoying the colors verses the contrasts of the background.
0∈ [?]
09/26/08 4:00 PM GMT
Fascinating building..Fine capture.
0∈ [?]
09/26/08 10:02 PM GMT
Guess what I got in the VB?! Look for that index to rise!
0∈ [?]
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better" - Albert Einstein - Rules are for those who always follow the rules; there are no rules in photography because this isn't a game but an art! :P -Me-

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