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Uploaded: 02/06/09 4:19 AM GMT
Views: 1159
Dlds: 387
Status: active

A special dedication to a friend of mine who shines, even when surrounded by adversity! Shine on, bright star!! Though storms of life rage 'round you - you stand strong and bright. A beacon to those who depend on your warmth and light. God bless you and your family.


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02/06/09 6:47 AM GMT
What a beautiful dedication to your friend Paul. And of course the creation you did certainly shows this. It's very wonderful.
Whoever that person is, it was a kind thing for you to do. I wish I had that quality thru the storms of life. But I will treasure your creation as well. Verena
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There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying things which are beyond the power of our will. Epictetus
02/06/09 10:44 AM GMT
fabulous design as always nathan. i hope your friend likes it. i particularly am enjoying the colour of the big jewel. great stuff.
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02/06/09 12:20 AM GMT
Gorgeous design!!
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Why do the pictures come out square when the lens is round??
02/06/09 12:48 AM GMT
Splendid - and a wonderful dedication to your shining friend
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The question is not what you look at, but what you see ~ Marcel Proust
02/06/09 5:25 PM GMT
Well done Nathan, hope your friend's situation improves.
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Always remember - Follow the Yellow Brick Road, it will lead you to the Emerald City and OZ A very nice place to be. Trust me on this one, I live there. The Lion **** MY CAEDES GALLERY****Another Site I'm AT - MY DA HOME PAGE
02/06/09 6:20 PM GMT
Very nice tribute Nathan.
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What ever happened to the good ol' days?
02/06/09 7:31 PM GMT

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Putting your pictures in my favorites is the highest honor I can give you. If I could, I would give you an award. But alas, I cannot. So the highest praise I can award you with, is faving your artwork. Bene lava!!
02/06/09 10:49 PM GMT
A beautiful dedication to your friend, Nathan. Wonderful work once again!
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02/06/09 11:05 PM GMT
I just love the main stone. It looks like an opal.
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Angelle "Sometimes you just need to stop, breathe deep, and scream. Trust me, it helps."
02/07/09 6:20 AM GMT
SUPERB!!!..a touch of mystery and much HOPE in it!!...a really SUPERB design!!...FAVED!
0∈ [?]
02/07/09 2:41 PM GMT
Truly and excellent work of art. Love what you did here. Into my faves she goes and a 10 in the VB just now.

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“Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you” - Richard Brinsley Sheridan
02/07/09 8:24 PM GMT
This is lovely. I always marvel at your work. Excellent!
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02/07/09 10:58 PM GMT
This could be the motif for so many wonderful things, but what you have assigned to its meaning is far better than anything else. People like that inspire our creativity as your friend has yours.
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"Felicity is a tree whose root is certitude and crown is serenity"...Frithjof Schuon
02/12/09 12:48 AM GMT
Your friend must be really thankful of you. This is a lovely image.
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“The sudden disappointment of a hope leaves a scar which the ultimate fulfillment of that hope never entirely removes.” - Thomas Hardy
02/16/09 10:13 PM GMT
....and blue is good too. LOL. Very nice. How do you get the fractals to look like jewels?

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Howdy y'all
02/23/09 2:18 AM GMT
Absolutely gorgeous!
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Cheers -ArmyBrat ~~ A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. -Tao Te Ching

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