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Uploaded: 12/21/03 10:50 AM GMT
Views: 4461
Dlds: 995
Status: active

He was not very happy to see me...


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12/21/03 11:13 AM GMT
Beautiful and nice photography Pierre,i like it 10/10 and in my favorits.
Vraiment Splendide.
0∈ [?]
Merry Christmas to All.
12/21/03 11:37 AM GMT
Very nice photo.
I can see the frozen grass... it must have been early.
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- Ichiban
12/21/03 1:38 PM GMT
Lovely shot. The light, the frost and a little hint of mist on the water really do capture that early-morning feel.
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Nadelek lowen ha bledhen noweth da.
12/21/03 5:39 PM GMT
Thanks Joost, Kristian & Simon. It was a very cold morning!
0∈ [?]
12/21/03 5:58 PM GMT
Excellent Pierre. I like that drop of water that hasn't landed yet, 10+ ;-)
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Happy Holidays To All
12/21/03 6:20 PM GMT
Hehe! I saw it only when I was on my computer... Thanks Darryl
0∈ [?]
12/21/03 8:53 PM GMT
Very nicely done!
0∈ [?]
12/21/03 8:55 PM GMT
Yeah! Swans are wonferful. Thx!
0∈ [?]
12/21/03 11:16 PM GMT
D10F, Pierre! What more can I say about this beautiful shot?!
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Mary, the Caedes-addicted-BarGnat
12/22/03 2:33 AM GMT
I like how it is all alone, kind of like a solitude theme or something. Well, I don't LIKE how it is is alone, it is just an interesting subject to consider. I love it!!!
0∈ [?]
- in life, be a rose. A rose simply grows, expressing what it is, and eventually reaches its essence and being by blooming in its full glory
12/22/03 8:35 AM GMT
Thanks Mary & Aaron. Glad you like it. I cannot see a bird without trying to take it (with my camera, of course)
0∈ [?]
12/22/03 2:25 PM GMT
Great Picture again Pierre! He may not have been happy, but he made a good picture!
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Merry Christmas to All.
12/22/03 2:26 PM GMT
Thanks Sharon. I wish you a:
0∈ [?]
12/22/03 10:53 PM GMT
the light, the water, the mist... Just perfect!!

(si je n'étais pas si couche-tard, je pourrais espérer capturer un tel brouillard! Malheureusement la vie en a décidé autrement... loool^^ Et il neige enfin!!^___^)
0∈ [?]
12/22/03 10:59 PM GMT
Tu devrais mettre le même chapeau que moi, ça tient chaud :-D
0∈ [?]
12/23/03 3:08 PM GMT
lol, effectivement ^___^
0∈ [?]
03/02/04 10:38 PM GMT
i hate swans but that is an excellent photograph
0∈ [?]
04/10/04 7:43 PM GMT
Bellisima!! una buena imagen

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"El que no ama la vida,no es digno de ella" - Da Vinci
07/22/05 2:13 PM GMT
Wow! This is beyond it!
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Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it.---Song of Solomon 8:7
08/03/05 8:23 PM GMT
Okay, where was I when you presented this beautiful capture?? Never mind...I'm here now and taking in this serenity break. Well done Pierre.
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When you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance... Leanne Womack
10/06/05 9:08 PM GMT
Amazing and peaceful, reminds me of a story I read called "The Third Wish." ^_^
0∈ [?]
"The Lord is a being in which no human mind can comprehend."- Alex
01/07/06 6:05 AM GMT
another beautiful shot by you! Great job, i love it. keep up the wonderful work.
0∈ [?]
Imagination is the path to freedom.

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