
  Mutant Communion  

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Uploaded: 02/16/06 6:43 PM GMT
Mutant Communion
Views: 5572
Dlds: 1588
Status: active

2006, Sean Hopp Oil, Canvas, Ink, Photoshop


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02/16/06 7:18 PM GMT
I like this one!...Almost like an ancient alchemist's wall hanging...Kudos!
0∈ [?]
"Let us forever cherish and hold sacred these moments...for it is our undoing ...should we forget..." -William Shakespeare
02/16/06 7:19 PM GMT
Had a quick look at your online gallery and you have a fascinating body of work - very original indeed and this is no exception. Great stuff indeed. (Sorry to hear about the stolen paintings!)
0∈ [?]
"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
02/16/06 10:24 PM GMT
i absolutly love this. i would love to see the original.. and i to looked at your site... very impressive portfolio

0∈ [?]
She's often inclined to borrow somebody's dreams 'til tomorrow.... my gallery
02/17/06 12:12 AM GMT
A very interesting image. I couldn`t draw to save myself. I think you have done a fantastic job here.
0∈ [?]
Don`t cover yourself in petrol and smoke.
02/17/06 3:43 AM GMT
Wow! This is so cool! Very bizarre and profound image. I love it!..=)
0∈ [?]
02/17/06 10:55 AM GMT
Very artistic and creative, like this a lot. Looks like an eastern antique painting or something, really cool
0∈ [?]
visit an old island fortress ...
02/17/06 7:34 PM GMT
Very awesome image... it just reaches out and GRABS ya!
0∈ [?]
"Can't Sleep, Clowns will eat me... Can't sleep, Clowns will eat me..."
02/20/06 1:26 AM GMT
**Claps** Well done! It looks like something you would see on the cover of a POD album. I love the color, and the emotion in it. It's going into my favourites. ;)

0∈ [?]
Homophbia is not a family value.
02/27/06 7:55 PM GMT
Very well done. I like the way you combine mediums. I too, took a look at your oriiginal and distinctive work. Surreal, visionary and dark, just the way I like it.
0∈ [?]
03/14/06 4:15 PM GMT
Looks like an album cover for Passafist or Earthsuit. I love it!
0∈ [?]
Convinced myself, I seek not to convince. ~Edgar Allan Poe
03/26/06 10:12 AM GMT
that's awesome. 10/10. how big is the canvas?
0∈ [?]
Nick :)
05/01/06 7:41 AM GMT
What's that saying? Two eyes ya...two heads are better than one. Nice work here...kinda freaky but nice. By the way...I know their dad, Cy Clops.
0∈ [?]
Always go to the bathroom when you have a chance. King George V........ My Gallery
01/12/07 7:45 PM GMT
great job! great concept too.
0∈ [?]
"War is only good for those who make and sell the guns" - John Gorka
07/10/07 8:27 PM GMT
i really like this. very nicely done :)
0∈ [?]
11/14/07 5:35 AM GMT
Can feel my third eye pulse when I look at this work. Very intriguing and I feel... spiritual
0∈ [?]
I'm confused. Oh wait... Maybe I'm not.
02/18/08 10:04 AM GMT
Darkly comic and beautifully done. Best gothic smile i've had this week! +tmy+
0∈ [?]
so what is the past tense of Hang Glide?
03/25/12 8:34 PM GMT
It looks good. It looks like you were a member for one day and had one post. It was a dandy.


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People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.

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