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A beautiful Oriole that I caught with the lens out my bedroom window last year.
Just a note: I have been staying so busy lately helping a friend who had quadruple bypass surgery, she is so limited to what she can do, and has been depending on me for help. By the time I get things done with Wendy, and getting my daily walks in, and my own errands, the day is shot, and I really then don't feel up to editing pictures, so that is a hit and miss for me right now.
She is getting ready to head out East to stay with her daughter to finish her recovery time, and then I will be feeding her cats, but I won't be doing dr. appointments, store runs, etc. So I hope to have more time to get some editing done.
I'm not complaining, and just giving you a heads up what is going on these days. Her dr. appt. the other day took 2 hours, and then we had errands to do-just a sample of what I have been doing lately. Lol! I'm glad I can help her, that is what friends are for.
I appreciate your comments, thanks in advance.