
  Lily Time  

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Uploaded: 07/18/24 9:38 PM GMT
Lily Time
Views: 89
Dlds: 45
Status: active

I'm seeing so many lilies of late. They are everywhere in my area and around my building. This red one is next to one of the driveways for my apartment building. As you can also see the foliage is very green as we have had an enormous amount of rain in the last few weeks and on Sunday and Monday nights over 12 tornadoes! They are still working on counting them. My foofy for this Friday.


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07/19/24 9:38 AM GMT
Kathy, even though the climate in my country is different from yours, we have in common the enormous amount of rain that has fallen recently. If I see correctly, this beautiful lily has fortunately not suffered from the extreme weather of recent times.
In any case, it has resulted in a wonderful Foofy Friday (F²) contribution.
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07/25/24 12:05 AM GMT
This is stunning Kathy, and yes rain and rain and tornadoes. They did not hit us that bad aroung here thankfully. tigs=^..^=
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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫

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