
Homepage for CaseyS


Real Name:
Casey Sanderson
Edinburgh, Scotland 
1993 (32 years) 
08/09/06 8:42 AM GMT05/01/09 12:59 AM GMT 


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08/09/06 1:48 PM GMT
Hey Casey :]
Thankyou so much for commenting on *Nixe*....I'm very pleased you liked her!
Best wishes and welcome to Caedes, too!

Fae x
0∈ [?]
08/11/06 3:13 AM GMT
Hi Casey, Thanks so much for stopping by "Tickler". I appreciate you commenting & glad you enjoyed it. Welcome to Caedes. Sherree
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Friends are like shining stars. You may not always see them, but you know they are always there for you.
08/19/06 2:08 PM GMT
Hello just dropping by to thank you for the lovely comment you left me on InMyEye. so glad you liked it! Hope to see some work from you soon. :)
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And for the first time in my life I felt beautiful. Finally part of the earth.
08/19/06 2:24 PM GMT
Hi Casey, thanks for dropping by and letting me know you liked Water Falling at Woods Lake. Donna
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Thanks to all who comment on pictures in my gallery. Please accept my apologies if I am unable to thank you each time, and please don't feel obligated to thank me for my comments.
08/19/06 2:46 PM GMT
hey, thanx for the comment on woe is me.
cheers, gareth
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08/19/06 2:59 PM GMT
Thank you for finding Tranquility Base and Froth and Bubble and leaving behind a few choice words .. I appreciate it .. ;o)
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08/19/06 3:17 PM GMT
thx for the comment on kitty ; glad you liked it
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"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." my images
08/19/06 3:32 PM GMT
Hello Casey! and you are most welcome to my gallery.....You musta been digging in my 'archives' for this one....I believe it is about a year ago I posted this.....
Thanking and much appreciated for your kind words to it.............Bob.
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*Please forgive me, for not replying to every one of your lovely images-Problems with my hands is making it difficult at present* Dunstickin's Gallery
08/19/06 4:30 PM GMT
Thanks Casey! Appreciate ya lookin and commenting on Abandon. Glad you enjoyed it!!
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08/19/06 5:33 PM GMT
Hi Casey. Thanks much for your comments on Christmas at Falls Park! Glad ya liked it!
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NO MAN IS USELESS who has a friend, and if we are loved we are indispensable.~ Robert Louis Stevenson VISIT MY GALLERY
08/21/06 1:19 AM GMT
Hi Casey,
Thanks for the nice compliment on Colors. I am glad that you liked it. The colors was just something I tried different. I really appreciate your time and comment.

Take care,
0∈ [?]
"Holy, holy, holy is the lord God Almighty - the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come."
08/21/06 9:56 AM GMT
Thanks for flying to the Outer Realm to check out my posting and for your out of this world super comments!!
0∈ [?]
Picture Purrrfect . A purrrfect world is what we all want, but, seems too unobtainable. If I've viewed and commented on your post, and you liked my remarks then NO THANKS is needed...just getting to see your wonderful work is thanks enough for me!! Also BIG thanks to all who check out my work!! I appreciate any and all comments & feedback!!
08/21/06 8:52 PM GMT
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too lazy to use capital letters and punctuation. Please Visit My Gallery
08/22/06 8:19 AM GMT
Hi, Thanks for the comment on 'wormhole', much appreciated!
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"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb".
08/22/06 10:06 AM GMT
Hi Casey, Thanks for stopping by "Purple Daze". Glad you enjoyed it .... purple is a great color. Sherree
0∈ [?]
Friends are like shining stars. You may not always see them, but you know they are always there for you.
08/23/06 9:34 AM GMT
Thanks for stopping by on glass artistry and rainbow fish - I appreciate the comments!
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Never give up. “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.” John Quincy Adams
08/24/06 10:28 AM GMT
!Ciao Bella! Many thanks for your nice comment on "i'm dreaming"!
I is happy! ;-)

0∈ [?]
08/28/06 9:54 PM GMT
Thanks Casey for your nice comment on Relax. Appreciate your time and visit. nice effects you have done in your gallery.. Keep up the good work...Bill
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Life may not be the party we hoped for...but as long as were here, we may as well dance...
08/28/06 10:12 PM GMT
Hi Casey, thanks for the comment on "Creating Magic", glad you enjoy it 8•)
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
08/28/06 10:13 PM GMT
and the comment on "For Erica"! 8•)
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
08/29/06 3:34 PM GMT
Thank you Casey for the comment on "Loco 2024". Glad you enjoy those old locomotives. It was taken in a heritage park in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
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08/29/06 4:21 PM GMT
Thank you for your comment on my photo Mt. Jefferson. It was very much appreciated. May your day be one of unexpected beauty.
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08/30/06 9:41 AM GMT
Many thanks Casey for stopping by and commenting on "Blue Bird of Happiness". I'm glad you liked it. :o)
And.. Welcome to Caedes, I hope you enjoy your stay here.
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08/31/06 8:21 AM GMT
Hi Casey, thanks for the lovley comments on Satin Star much appreciated.
Have a great day :)
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08/31/06 8:22 AM GMT
Hi Casey from Edingburgh! Thank you for finding Hap. Fan colourful and to your liking! That was my own Palette too, not from the program. I hope you find Caedes a happy place too!
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08/31/06 8:46 AM GMT
Hi Casey,
I'm glad you found my gallery and enjoyed "True Blue". It is a delightful little flower that blooms every spring in my garden and I just love it too.
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08/31/06 10:09 AM GMT
Hi Casey.. thanks for your great comment on Fishing... glad you liked it..

also for My Valentine.. the colour is great..
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MY GALLERY ........... "A sense of humour is as important to life as shock absorbers to a car.. It helps us over the bumps im life" / P.K. Shaw
08/31/06 10:53 AM GMT
Hey thanks for you comment on Stationery. I'm glad you liked it.

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in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni _-_ Dijital's gallery
08/31/06 7:25 PM GMT
Hey gal thanks for the comments on Eves apple muchly appreciated...
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A picture is worth a thousand words--that DOES NOT mean I will comment a thousand...It will be a Yay or Nay.
09/04/06 6:07 PM GMT
Hello Casey, thank you for your comments on Scenic Dreams!
0∈ [?]
"A picture is worth a thousand words"

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