
Homepage for .Coolboy189


Real Name:
1995 (30 years) 
01/26/05 4:57 PM GMT03/11/09 12:40 AM GMT 

Recent Works by Coolboy189: (full gallery)

Soft SunSet by Coolboy189, Photography->Sunset/Rise gallery Clouds by Coolboy189, Photography->Skies gallery Let The Plane Through by Coolboy189, Photography->Sunset/Rise gallery
Soft SunSet Clouds Let The Plane Through


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01/31/05 9:14 AM GMT
Welcome to and thanks for your feedback on 'Milly'.
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The way to know life is to love many things. .:Van Gogh:.
01/31/05 10:43 PM GMT
thanks for your comment on nebulize...much appreciated :-D
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---- He who goes to bed hungry dreams of pancakes. Strength ----
02/01/05 6:12 PM GMT
Hi coolboy, thanks for your comment on "Life in the Dead of Winter"
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"We may not get what we want, but sometimes, if we try, we get what we need." Rolling Stones
02/01/05 6:58 PM GMT
No tnx ;)
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03/05/05 10:15 AM GMT
Hi Jonas welkom.
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03/05/05 10:34 AM GMT
Thanks for your Comment, I know it isn't hard to make, I don't actually remember saying it was hard to make. I just thought it a bit of fun, in a short space of time.
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AKAJON: Most people lye asleep and notice nothing around them. Just wake up and see the natural beauty around you. It will blow you away.
03/05/05 11:48 AM GMT
Hi Jonas, thanks for commenting on 'The Big Bang' it means a lot to me that you like it
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"We may not get what we want, but sometimes, if we try, we get what we need." Rolling Stones
03/05/05 1:05 PM GMT
Hi Jonas... thanks for your comment on Dusk... im glad you liked it... appreciate you stopping by... :D
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The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand. --Robert Vallett
05/16/05 9:19 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on Strange Skies, I appreciate it.
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'Study the past, if you would divine the future.' - Confucius ................. Pieces to Ponder : Hangover, Glowball Extreme
05/17/05 1:32 AM GMT
hey Jonas.. ty for commenting on Project Racer - Type 1.2.. its not too hard to build the more complex objects in Bryce.. just practice your tutorials.. itll help.. trust me hehe..

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And everytime I feel that my lifes a waste.. I just cant rid myself of your bitter taste.. - Me (Option21)
06/29/05 11:37 PM GMT
Hi Jonas, (I Wonder) was taken right after a powerful storm passed through our town, i was the most amazing sky i have ever seen, i had to drive about 3 blocks to take this shot, i forgot my tripod and missed several shots from blurring. Well you can't win them all. I would like to thank you for your nice comments and support. Dwight.
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People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. -Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
10/11/05 8:07 PM GMT
thanks Jonas for the kind post on Going Out With A Bang!

cheers - Phil
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
11/20/05 4:15 PM GMT
Thanks for commenting on 'Mighty Mac'. It is about a 7-8 kilometer crossing to the other side.
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11/20/05 9:04 PM GMT
thanks Jonas for posting on Venus Blues 2 - glad you liked it!

cheers - Phil
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
11/21/05 8:39 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on "Cloud Cell".
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-userone- (Gallery)
11/22/05 8:59 AM GMT
Hi there again! Thanks for your kind comments on my Pepsi can and scene, it was a bit of work to get the can right - but I'm happy. Cheers for now.
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The Universe conspires to help those who help themselves. This weeks gallery image.
11/28/05 1:33 AM GMT
Hi Jonas, thanks for commenting on "Cookie Explosion" LOL, Yes I know it does not look like a cookie, thats because I zoomed in and worked on the brightness. I might put the original in someday, anywayz thanks for the comment :D
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01/25/06 6:26 PM GMT
Thanks for your very nice comment Jonas on Brothers in arms . Charlie & Gabriel are best buddies!
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Picture Purrrfect
01/25/06 6:28 PM GMT
Charlie really is 'King of the living room'...or so he thinks LOL. He's my bestest buddy!! Thanks Jonas for taking a peek at it!!! :)
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Picture Purrrfect
01/27/06 5:13 AM GMT
Hello friend, thanks for the nice comment you left on my pic "Silent Whispers." Yea, I'm not too happy about the resolution either.. sorry. ;)
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"Pity? It was pity that stayed Bilbo's hand. Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends. My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill before this is over. The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many."- "I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened..." "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."-Gandalf
01/29/06 10:31 PM GMT
Hey Jonas, lots of thanx for the nice comment on "A cat...". Really appreciated. Have a nice day. :3
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01/30/06 10:56 AM GMT
thanks Jonas for stopping by and visiting Akhenaten - much appreciated

cheers - Phil
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
01/30/06 1:22 PM GMT
Thanks so much, Jonas, for your comment on 'Valley Of Decision', I really appreciate your kind words and you taking the time to comment!

Thanks again,
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In this is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10
01/30/06 1:52 PM GMT
Hello Jonas, thanks a lot for your recent comment on "its a beautful morning", very appreciate it. :)
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“Suspiros etereos se abrazan con un beso eterno” Enjoy My Gallery
01/31/06 9:32 PM GMT
Hi Jonas, thanks for stopping by "What's This?!" I appreciate it :-)
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"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." -Scott Adams
02/21/06 7:46 PM GMT
thanks Jonas for the post on Bass Rock - seams a little cold and isolated to live there unless you fancy being the lighthouse keeper I guess... :)
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04/27/06 10:09 PM GMT
Hello Jonas....Thankyou for your comment on (DAFFODILS) it is very much appreciated....Cornish daffodil farms are some of the largest and most efficient in the world, supplying flowers and bulbs to all parts of the UK, to Continental Europe, and to the USA....All the best....Mick.
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04/28/06 10:04 AM GMT
Hey Jonas, thanks for the prop regarding Haceta Head at Dusk, it was greatly appreciated.
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06/06/06 4:27 PM GMT
Hi there Jonas ! Thanks so much for your great comments on Aurora's Handmaiden ! I'm so glad you liked it !

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Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls .......Let The Machine Get It ........ MY GALLERY
01/23/07 12:29 AM GMT
Hi Jonas, thanks for all the nice comments you've left in my gallery lately, your support is really appreciated. Have a fabulous day, Kelcey.
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01/24/07 9:11 PM GMT
Hello Jonas...Many thanks for taking the time to have a look at (CARN) and for your comment, it is very much appreciated....This view is only a five minute walk from where I live...Thanks again....All the best...Mick.
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01/27/07 9:40 AM GMT
Hi Jonas, thank you so much for your nice comment on "Inner peace", glad you like it:)
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01/28/07 11:02 PM GMT
Hey Jonas,

Thanks for the comments on 'Crisp n Crunchy' very much appreciated.
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I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is. Albert Camus ........ My Gallery
02/03/07 11:13 PM GMT
hey there. Thank you for commenting on my pic, "Zekiah." I'm glad you liked it. ^_^
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Smile chicken!
02/09/07 7:07 AM GMT
Thanks for your nice comment on Berlin in the morning ....i dont now why this Picture have this low c- index....its my favorite photo
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03/07/07 12:23 AM GMT
hey jonas ur music is the best evr!!! i soooo luv nicks voice i listen to it everyday 4 at least 6 hrs!!!!!
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03/07/07 12:29 AM GMT
so do u guys have any trouble writing ur songs & who ame up w/ each song idea?????
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03/16/07 12:50 AM GMT
dude, when you asked that one guy what b&w is, he never replied back. its black and white. haha, you prolly know that by now
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Wii came, Wii saw, Wii conquered
03/30/07 7:06 PM GMT
no problemo, tho i dont think i helped you out.
0∈ [?]
Wii came, Wii saw, Wii conquered

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