It is always a pleasure to see you great work and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to view and comment on them, So I hope to see lots more in the future
I hope that you enjoted the Gem Stones series as I did enjoy designing them. I thanks you for your kind comments and for the support as I really appreciate it.
I know this isnt up to my normal standard but I do like to try new things and I should have made it more clearer but i rushed it so I appreciate your words on "Another Framing Vortex"
Many, many thanks for slidin' by to peek in on my flower manip I did!! I was kinda feelin' funky I guess, but I really think The Devil Made Me Do It !! I must be possessed!! 8~O
Hey there Dave, thanks bud for "Ghosts of The Abyss " glad ya liked it my friend. I noticed I might have missed sayin' thanks on a few posts there Dave, sorry bout that you know how it is tryin' to catch everyone sometimes just doesn't work. I'm gettin' old too Dave and my mind's startin' to go maybe????????? LMAO Anyway bud thanks I hope you know that.
This is one of the ones that I really like the way it came out and I hope you enjoyed getting your toes wet in the " White Wash" and I thank you for your awesome comments
Hi Dave, Just wanted to say thanks for the comments on my last few designs. I know your'e busy so I appreciate that you took the time to leave comments. Hope all is well with your studying.
Thanks Dave for your great comment on Destination Caedes.. i'm glad you enjoyed it... I have a few ideas on some other combinations of my works when I get a chance.. lol...
you do know once you land on Planet Caedes you cant leave, your stuck in its web FOREVER.. moahahaha... lol...
Hey there Dave, thanks bud for "Galactic Fireworks" been missin' a few of your comments and daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what can I say. Sorry bud, you'll have to forgive me.
Thanks Dave for your great comments on Crochet Coral #2 and Mystery... i'm so glad you liked them... i'm experimenting so you never know what I'll come up with.. lol
" It Came from The Deep " Lake Michigan huh ?? Ok when you spot him you call me and we'll go out there and get him, and then we'll be rich Dave. Or wait I've got a better plan, since I made him YOU go get him and I'll share the money with ya. Yeah that's a much better plan.LMAO Take care buddy and thanks.
"Lair" Yeah right Dave, if a spider almost got ya it didn' come from me.LMAO You should clean a little more around your monitor. Ha ha ha ha gotcha Dave.LOL Thanks bud. :-)
Hi Dave, Thanks for checkin' out Charlotte, my spider photo. Pretty creepy looking indeed! There were about 5 of them in that one spot, each in their own webs...
Thanks Dave for "Alone" glad ya liked it bud, I'm not much good at plastic not like you and Randy(moeaction) and Larry(razorjack) but I kinda like the free flowing flames that's one reason I don't try it more often but once a awhile the plastic bug hits me.LOL Thanks again Dave.
Howdy there Dave, hey thanks bud for all your comments on my recent posts I truly do appreciate it. I haven't been thanking each individual one all the time but I try when I get a chance. Just wanted ya to know I got your number Oh and hey you've been on a roll lately too love that metallic plastic thing ya did. Take care bud. John
Hi Dave, I appreciate you taking the time to stop by "Nostradamus" & commenting. So you enjoyed the dark sinister feel to it ... so did I. LOL. I will do my best to come up with something different just for you, but you know how Apop wants to do it's own thing from time to time. LOL. Thanks again & I am honored you added it to your fav's. Sherree :-)
Thanks for all your support and all the kind comments that you have left on my latest images. Im glad that you liked and I hope that you enjoy the ones to come.
Hi Dave thanks for your comment on Jungle Drums... glad you enjoyed it.. My son plays electric guitar, his friend plays the drums and his other friend plays bass.. they play very heavy metal (kinda like Arch Enemy type of music) lots of screams and growls...
Hi Dave, Thanks for your comments on "On The Dark Side". I thought you would like it ... I kinda had to look twice when I came up with it & make sure I was actually in Apop. LOL. Glad you enjoyed it & I am honored you added it to your fav's. Thanks for adding me to your friend's list also. Take care, Sherree
OOPS.. sorry... didnt mean to take your doolie-wobber it just looked so lonely sitting there..... lol... thats a great name why didnt you tell me that one yesterday.. lmao.... thanks Dave for your great comment on A Whatmecallit.... i'm glad you liked it.. =)
Picture Purrrfect .
A purrrfect world is what we all want, but, seems too unobtainable. If I've viewed and commented on your post, and you liked my remarks then NO THANKS is needed...just getting to see your wonderful work is thanks enough for me!!
Also BIG thanks to all who check out my work!! I appreciate any and all comments & feedback!!
Hi Dave.. thanks for your great comment on Strings.. i'm glad you liked it... I tried a few different combinations of colours but this one looked the best.. ;)
Hi again... this time dropping in to thankyou for commenting on Inner Sanctum... i'm glad you like it... its a nice place to just disappear to sometimes.. =)
Hi there Dave ! Lauren & I would like to thank you for your great comments on Pandora's Box, a collaberation. We really appreciate you taking the time & we're so glad you liked it !
me again.. this time for Only silence in space.... very glad you liked it... it was amazing how the stars popped up in the flame.. i didnt have to add them..
Hi Dave ... Thanks for your comments on "Tripod". That one turned out kinda wierd, but in a cool sorta way. Glad you enjoyed it & I am honored you put it in your fav's. Much appreciation, Sherree
Hi Dave.. thanks for your great comment on Take Me To Your Leader?... glad you enjoyed it... lol.. love your interpretation of a tripped out brain... hehehe
"But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness." - 2 Timothy 2:16 (KJV) <- ->
Timothy J. Warren | My homepage|
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Hey, Thanks for looking at my Sunset rose... And comment was especially appreciated ! *forgot what I was gonna say... Ton eht tsrif emit yadot oot... Sorry :) couldn't help myself... I think my commments from now on are all gonna have backwards words sometimes! :)
Hi Dave.. thanks for your comment on The Cage... i'm glad you liked it.. it's very different and yes its one apo flame.. i've been experimenting with values in the variation tab in the editor...
hehehehe me again.. this time to thankyou for Dreamtime #1.. does that mean you liked it??? lol *kidding... i'm glad you did.. i will definately be making more of these.. =)
Thanks for your very generous comments on 'Cosmic Clockwork'. I'm very happy you liked it and appreciate your taking the trouble to peek and say so. I hadn't thought of it as water droplets, but I can see what you mean now. I really enjoy it when people suggest different interpretations of fractals and see them in such a variety of ways.
Thanks for taking a peek at "Sound System" Dave and I appreciate the kind words. Photoshop is so massive that you are always learning something new about it and when you think you may have mastered something then they go and upgrade it. My version of Photoshop is antique now. It is a bycycle in a automobile world. I want to get my hands on the lastest version but that is serious money. The latest tutorials on the net is geared for the CS2 and my version doesn't cooperate with them so I have to play and work around a lot of steps but still my photoshop is pretty powerful.
Hey Dave, Thanks for checking out Flamboyant Flamingo , and for your enthusiastic comments! It was great fun creating it, and I'm so pleased that you liked it and fav'd it! I appreciate your time :)
Welcome back and I am glad you were able to get your original "name" again. I had read where you were pursuing that possibility and I am glad it worked out.
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