
Homepage for .HauntingMorgana


Real Name:
Michael Murray
too many
Creds [?]:
Needham, Indiana 
09/20/06 2:10 AM GMT07/18/24 4:22 PM GMT 

Recent Works by HauntingMorgana: (full gallery)

To Soar by HauntingMorgana, Computer->3D gallery From The Depths by HauntingMorgana, Computer->3D gallery Passage by HauntingMorgana, Computer->3D gallery
To Soar From The Depths Passage


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01/01/08 3:08 PM GMT
Thank you Michael for the lovely words about "Wooded View", very much appreciated!
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01/06/08 6:23 PM GMT
I am glad you like "The Gathering" Michael. Thank you for viewing and commenting, very much appreciated!
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01/06/08 10:34 PM GMT
Hi Michael,
Thanks for taking a look at my gallery. I am glad you enjoyed "Lion" and said such nice things about it.
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01/26/08 1:58 PM GMT
Hello Michael!Thank you very much for the comment left on "Sleeping beauty".I am glad you like it so much that you added to your favorites.You asked me what gender that cute little doggie of mine is, but I can't tell you that, because I don't know.I have two of them that look alike,one is a girl and the other ne a boy, and I didn't wanted to wake this one up just to see what gender it is:) I preffered to see him/her sleeping :) But they are so cute!Thank you again for the nice words, and have a great weekend!
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01/27/08 1:20 AM GMT
Thanks for visiting and commenting on Feline Sleep. I'm glad you liked it.
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Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?
01/29/08 9:40 PM GMT
Thanks a bunch for your comment on my photo
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02/03/08 11:42 AM GMT
Michael, thanky for spending the time in my gallery and leaving such a kind comment on "Sitting with Leather Lips." It is much appreciated. ~~ John
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If you have some extra time, please visit my gallery
02/03/08 7:35 PM GMT
Hi Michael! I'm glad you dropped by to view *Hog on the Run*. He was quite the funny fellow :) Thanks for your comments and come on by again.
Your friend, Carolyn
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I need to catch up on things so can't comment too much. But I love all of your fine images :)
02/04/08 6:13 AM GMT
Hey Michael. Thanks so much for your comment on "heavens rays".
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02/04/08 2:54 PM GMT
Hi Michael, thank you so much for all the lovely comments you left on your trip through my gallery :-) much appreciated
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02/04/08 9:28 PM GMT
Glad you liked my bloodnet, have alook at my others if you are interested

many thanks Dean
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02/07/08 8:27 AM GMT
Thank you verymuch Micheal,very nice comment on "Not ready"
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02/07/08 6:41 PM GMT
Hi Micheal Very pleased you liked my Death

Thank you for commenting
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02/07/08 6:54 PM GMT
I am honoured and very happy that you like "Envisagement" so much you are taking it to your favs. Thank´s Michael for the great words about it, I really appreciate it.
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02/09/08 12:23 AM GMT
Thanks Michael for stoppin by my "The Rose window" and favin it. I didn't do it justice. It's much more beautiful in person.
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"Imperfection is beauty; madness is genius & it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. And when it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm really better than them."--Marilyn Monroe
02/09/08 8:03 PM GMT
Michael, thank you for those wonderful words about "BullsEye", I am so happy you enjoy my work :-). Once again I am hounered you have taken it to your favs. Thank´s again!
0∈ [?]
02/10/08 12:39 AM GMT
Hey, just visiting...
Say hi to Haunting for me :D
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I Laugh at the face of danger!!!! Then I hide under the bed till in goes away...
02/11/08 11:49 PM GMT
Thank you Michael for the great words about "Acantha", i am glad you like it :-)
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02/12/08 12:21 AM GMT
Thank you Michael for the wonderful words about "Joy", i am really glad you like it :-) I am honoured and greatful you have taken it to your favs.
0∈ [?]
02/12/08 11:18 AM GMT
Hello Michael,

Thanks for stopping by my picture colubus monkey. Glad you like it.
0∈ [?]
02/14/08 9:16 AM GMT
Thank´s Michael for the very kind words about "The Web", greatly appreciated!
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02/14/08 10:38 AM GMT
Many thank´s Michael for the very kind comment on "WhiteWater", very much appreciated!
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02/16/08 11:12 AM GMT
Michael, thank you for leaving such a kind comment on "Abandoned?", I am glad you like it :-)
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02/16/08 12:13 AM GMT
Thank you Michael for the very kind words about "Flooded". very much appreciated! It has stopped raining, as you could see in the photo, and the water level is going down. As far as i know of, they managed to keep the water away from the houses.
0∈ [?]
02/21/08 7:01 AM GMT
Thank´s Michael for giving me your opinion about "Power". Greatly appreciated! I am really glad you like it :-)
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02/21/08 7:16 AM GMT
I am honored and happy you like "Thin Ice" so much you are taking it to your favs. Thank´s Michael for your wonderful comment on it, greatly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
03/06/08 10:10 PM GMT
I appreciate your comments on "Getting up the Steam" very much.
Thank you Michael!
0∈ [?]
03/06/08 10:11 PM GMT
"Myran" says "meeoouueee", wich means: Thank´s so much Michael for liking me even when I was soaking wet :-). Your comment on "Soaked" is greatly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
03/06/08 10:14 PM GMT
I am honoured and happy :-) Thank you so much Michael for the fav and very kind comment on "The Splash", very much appreciated!
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03/07/08 9:45 AM GMT
Thank you Michael for the very kind comment on "White Delight", greatly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
03/07/08 10:16 AM GMT
I am grateful and honoured. Your fav and very kind comment on "Heavenly View" is very much appreciated. Thank you so much Michael!
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03/07/08 10:55 AM GMT
I am glad you like "Silver Lake" Michael! Thank´s for the very nice words about it!
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03/08/08 10:24 PM GMT
I am so glad you like "Blues" Michael. Thank´s so much for the very kind words about it.
0∈ [?]
03/08/08 10:45 PM GMT
Thank you so much Michael for the very kind comment on "Attention Please!", greatly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
03/19/08 8:49 PM GMT
Thank you Michael for the great words about "3 Locomotives", very much appreciated!

0∈ [?]
03/19/08 8:50 PM GMT
Thank you Michael, for the very nice comment on "Shadow Play", graetly appreciated!

0∈ [?]
03/21/08 6:16 PM GMT
I want to thank you for your very kind comments on my immages
while I was away. I appreciate them very much.
0∈ [?]
03/22/08 11:08 PM GMT
I thank you for the comments on Red Farm,,Tom
0∈ [?]
04/01/08 4:41 AM GMT
I am so pleased you like "Workshop/Office", Michael. Thank´s for
taking the time viewing and commenting, very much appreciated!
0∈ [?]
04/01/08 4:42 AM GMT
So glad you like "Entrance" Michael! Thank´s for the very kind words about it, greatly appreciated!
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04/01/08 4:43 AM GMT
Thanks Michael for the great words about "Golden". I really appreciate it!

0∈ [?]
04/01/08 4:44 AM GMT
I really appreciate your very kind comment on "NightGlow" Michael.
Thank you for taking the time to view and comment.
0∈ [?]
04/02/08 4:50 PM GMT
Thank you for the great words about "Lake "Multen" Sunset" Michael. I really appreciate it!
0∈ [?]
04/02/08 4:56 PM GMT
Thank´s Michael for the very kind comment on "European Roe". It is greatly appreciated.
0∈ [?]
04/02/08 9:01 PM GMT
I am so glad you like "Stillness of the Morning" Michael. Thank´s for the very kind comment and the fav. Greatly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
04/03/08 10:13 AM GMT
Thank´s for the great words and the fav on "Shadow Dance" Michael. Greatly appreciated as always!

0∈ [?]
04/03/08 10:56 AM GMT
Once again a big Thank´s for th great words, the fav and the ´Good Luck` on "Wallflower". I really appreciate it!
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04/03/08 11:46 AM GMT
I am so pleased you like "The Forest Road" Michael! Thank you so much for the very kind comment. Greatly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
04/05/08 6:07 PM GMT
Thank´s Michael for the very kind comment about "Off-Limits", greatly appreciated as always :-)
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04/05/08 6:09 PM GMT
The very nice words you left me on "Summer Light" are truely appreciated! Thank´s Michael!
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04/05/08 8:50 PM GMT
Thank you Michael for taking the time to leave words on Mars Alternate. :)
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For prints, cards and t-shirts of my paintings and fractals, please go here .
04/05/08 9:25 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on "Music Man"!
0∈ [?]
92 percent American teens would die if Abecrombie and Fitch told them it uncool to breathe. Would you be in the 8 percent laughing their asses off at the others?
04/05/08 10:41 PM GMT
Many thank´s Michaelfor the fav and very kind comment on "Morning Colours". I am so glad you like it :-)

0∈ [?]
04/06/08 11:28 AM GMT
Thanks, Michael, for commenting on: 'Around the farm (White Goat )'!


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MY PHOTOGRAFIC VISION... I am not an artist, I only let you see with my eyes...!
04/06/08 4:38 PM GMT
I am happy and honured you like "Tender Touch" so much you are taking it to your favs!
Thank´s for having a look at and leave such a wonderful comment on it. Greatly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
04/06/08 5:32 PM GMT
Hi again Michael! I really appreciate you taking the time to view and commenting on my images. Thank´s for the great one on "Old Boats". I am so glad you like it :-)
0∈ [?]
04/07/08 10:09 AM GMT
Thanks you very much Michael for your lovely comment on Family Tree. I really appreciate it!
0∈ [?]
When you're through with life and all hope is lost. Hold out your hand 'cos friends will be friends - right till the end.
04/07/08 2:21 PM GMT
Thanks for the kind words on "Arlington National Cemetary!" It is greatly appreciated. :)
0∈ [?]
04/12/08 11:52 AM GMT
Many thank´s for the kind words about "A Bench for Contemplation". Very much appreciated!
0∈ [?]
04/12/08 11:53 AM GMT
Thank´s for the great comment on "Flat Country".
I really appreciate it a lot!
0∈ [?]
04/12/08 9:42 PM GMT
So glad you like "Outside Looking In or Inside Looking Out?" Michael. Thank´s for the kind words!
0∈ [?]
04/14/08 7:14 PM GMT
Thank´s for the very nice one on "Summer Day". Greatly appreciated
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04/15/08 1:45 AM GMT
Thanks Michael for commenting on my squirrel picture “Hanging With A Nut” This one could care less about me and my picture taking.

0∈ [?]
04/15/08 9:05 PM GMT
Thank´s for the fav and very kind comment on "Shadowed" Michael. Greatly appreciated as always!
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04/16/08 6:21 AM GMT
Me again :-) This time to thank you for the very kind one on "Spring Light 2", greatly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
04/16/08 6:25 AM GMT
Thank you so much for the Very kind words about "Locker Room". Truly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
04/16/08 6:29 AM GMT
Michael, I am so glad you like "Lake ´Vättern` View ". Thank´s for the very kind comment. Greatly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
04/16/08 6:31 AM GMT
Thank´s Michael for the fav and great comment on "Plain Beauty", very much appreciated!
0∈ [?]
04/16/08 6:33 AM GMT
Thank´s again Michael! This time for the kind words about "Windy View" Greatly appreciated!
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04/16/08 6:35 AM GMT
Many Thank´s Michael, for the very kind words about "Overload", greatly appreciated!
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04/16/08 6:40 AM GMT
Thank´s Michael for the great words about "Lake Toften", truely appreciated!
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04/16/08 7:02 AM GMT
I truely appreciate your very kind comment on "Spring in the Oak Meadows". Thank you Michael!
0∈ [?]
04/16/08 7:45 AM GMT
I am so glad you enjoyed my "Blue Anemorte (Liverleaf)" photo.
Thank´s for the very kind words about it, greatly appreciated!
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04/16/08 11:34 AM GMT
Hiya Michael~

Thanks for your comment on "There's No Going Home", thanks for taking the time to comment.

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smile, it shines
04/17/08 8:41 PM GMT
Thank´s Michael for the fav and great comment on "Plain Beauty", very much appreciated!

0∈ [?]
04/19/08 1:21 AM GMT
Thanks for dropping by and commenting on Watcha Got Eat.


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Everything grows with love
04/19/08 8:02 PM GMT
I am honoured and very happy you like "Moonlit" so much you are taking it to your favs. Thank´s Michael for the great words about it. As always greatly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
04/19/08 8:32 PM GMT
"Lost in Time". Many thank´s Michael for the very nice comment.
Greatly appreciated!
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04/21/08 3:46 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment !
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Live like there is no tomorrow. The future is uncertain.
04/24/08 1:39 AM GMT
Hey Michael, thanks for the comment on "Fire Escape". I'm glad you liked it!
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Life is far too important to be taken seriously. -Oscar Wilde
05/08/08 4:50 AM GMT
Thank´s for the nice one on "Red April Moon", as always greatly appreciated!
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05/28/08 1:29 AM GMT
Thank´s Michael for your very kind comment on "Spring Evening no2". So glad you enjoyed it :-)

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05/28/08 6:57 AM GMT
Thank you Michael for the great comment and the fav on "In the Open Air" I really appreciate it a lot!
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06/14/08 4:33 AM GMT
Hi Michael I'm sorry I'm so late with this but I wanted to thank you for commenting on Seagrass Horizon. I'm so glad you liked it !
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I've got amnesia & deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before ! ......CLICK TO SAVE LIVES ! .......MY GALLERY
08/12/08 12:39 AM GMT
Hi Michael.. thanks for your great comment on Turmoil.. i'm glad you liked it, it is very colourful.. =)
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MY GALLERY ........... "Live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece"
08/24/08 4:04 AM GMT
Hello again Michael this time to thankyou for your sweet comment on Toxic Splash.. i'm pleased you enjoyed it
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MY GALLERY ........... "Live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece"
09/01/08 2:44 PM GMT
Thanks for your kind comment on "Having Lunch", much appreciated

-Jonathan :-)
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♪ ♫ ♪ ♫Music's the medicine of the mind. ~John A. Logan♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ \ Visit My Gallery.
09/03/08 11:12 AM GMT
Thank you so much Michael for the very kind words and the fav on "The Pit", greatly appreciated!
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09/11/08 10:33 AM GMT
Thank you so much Michael for the wonderful words and the fav on "Waiting for the Sun". I appreciate it a lot!
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09/11/08 5:58 PM GMT
Thanks a lot for the nice comment.
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09/12/08 4:48 PM GMT
I am so glad you liked "Roebuck" and "Eerie Atmosphere " so much you took them to your favs. Thank you so much Michael, greatly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
09/12/08 11:05 PM GMT
Many thanks Michael for your kind comment on "Kappelbrucke"!
0∈ [?]
09/16/08 6:38 AM GMT
Thank you Michael,nice words on "My village"
much appreciated
0∈ [?]
09/19/08 11:34 PM GMT
Thanks for your kind words on "The Really Real Florida?"! Much appreciated!!
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"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better" - Albert Einstein - The rule of thirds is for those who always follow the rules; there are no rules in photography because this isn't a game but an art! :P -Me-
09/20/08 10:04 AM GMT
Thanks, Michael, for your kind comment on "Stealth"!
Much appreciated !

0∈ [?]
09/20/08 12:28 AM GMT
Hi Michael. Thanks for the comments on my Baby Oranges photo. Much appreciated.

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“Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you” - Richard Brinsley Sheridan
08/31/09 6:57 AM GMT
Hello Michael,
Thank you so much for the fav and very kind comment on "Hobgoblin Stub Cabin", greatly appreciated!
0∈ [?]
09/01/09 4:03 PM GMT
Thank you for commenting on "Lake Providence". We sure enjoyed it!
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07/17/24 5:09 PM GMT
Sometimes I log on here to reminisce. Can't believe this site is still up. I always enjoyed your work. Hope the past 17 years has treated you well.
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