
Homepage for .Joby


Real Name:
Joe Burch
Huntington Beach, CA 
1982 (43 years) 
02/13/03 6:54 AM GMT08/19/23 6:29 AM GMT 

Recent Works by Joby: (full gallery)

Light and Dark by Joby, Photography->Sunset/Rise gallery The Sun draws you in by Joby, photography->sunset/rise gallery From the sea to the sky by Joby, Photography->Underwater gallery
Light and Dark The Sun draws you in From the sea to the sky


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05/05/03 6:12 PM GMT
If anyone is ever interested, My camera takes pictures at 3264x2448. So anyone who wants a really high resolution version can ask me.
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07/08/03 1:24 AM GMT
I do.
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08/07/03 4:54 AM GMT
You like them clouds huh? lol Keep it up we need more clouds on this site anyways. :)
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A.K.A. "Champ"
10/08/03 1:43 AM GMT
yeah we do. i love the clouds. all of 'em.
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"my soul thirst for God, for the living God." -psalm 42:2 -jim
11/02/03 8:01 PM GMT
You have a very beautiful nature photo gallery.
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carpe diem
12/02/03 8:41 AM GMT
Nice photos,hopefully I'll have some up soon.
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Got Sharpie?
12/27/03 5:32 PM GMT

Not many people know how to capture the glory of a beautiful sunrise and sunset. Wonderful job. I'm very impressed. I think you have the best sunrise and sunset pics on this site, and I've seen several :)
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"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and all your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3
02/07/04 9:55 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment Joe. I liked it, but it has had less response than some others.

0∈ [?]
02/23/04 3:59 AM GMT
Thank you for the comment on "Twins". Your edit looks very fantasy like with the brushed edge...what were your methods Joe?
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02/27/04 10:28 PM GMT
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'house music play with your soul'
03/12/04 9:19 PM GMT
Yes it was at 1/4000, 400ASA, f4.5. As a result I think that it is a bit underexposed. Next time I'll know about a grey sky backlight.

0∈ [?]
03/22/04 11:42 PM GMT
thanks for the comment on "water over pebbles", Joe, you have some truly lovely photos in your gallery.
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The mark of an educated mind is the ability to entertain a thought without accepting it.
03/28/04 3:43 PM GMT
haha Joe..your comment on primordial pool as made me afrid of that place...purhaps i should have the police check it out..because a perfect retangular hole in the middle of the woods is suspecatous as hell.
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moment of silence please for those who never get the chance they show up to the party but they're never asked to dance the losers the liars the bastards the thieves the cynicists, the pessimists and those that don't believe in nothing -streetlight manifesto
03/28/04 5:07 PM GMT
Thanks for the comments on my most recent works. Much appreciated!
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Rain DON'T PRESS THAT but...........just like kurt cobain. Unchecked breeding creates many a mut.
04/03/04 8:41 AM GMT
Thanks so much for your comments on (Days Go By...). I'm looking forward to seeing some more time-lapse stuff and very glad that I could spark the idea!
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A wise man once said something.
04/11/04 12:50 AM GMT
Thank you for the commentary in " Holy Week "
I do not speak Englishman but using a translator I hope that you understand(include) my explanation
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"El que no ama la vida,no es digno de ella" - Da Vinci
04/11/04 12:57 AM GMT
Thank you for the commentary in " Holy Week "
I understand it of the hooded ones but really it(he,she) does not have anything to see....
It is a tradition that lasts in the whole Spain and is totally religious.
The hoods are for that some of them are penitents and in certain cities they make sacrifices go for example as(like) barefooted during the procession with chains tied in the feet (I suppose that you sides I surprise but here though every time they are less continues being kept to be capped)
Thanks and Regards
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"El que no ama la vida,no es digno de ella" - Da Vinci
04/11/04 7:03 PM GMT
Thank you for your inspiration and comment on "Typical Pittsburgh". Finally, some warmer spring weather!
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04/24/04 4:21 AM GMT
Thank you for your comment on (The Space Between). And yes, Dave Matthews is one of my favorites. I meant to add a shout out in the image description, I have since fixed that :).
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A wise man once said something.
05/20/04 7:17 AM GMT
Thanks for your comment on Caedes Icons. Very much appreciated.
I knew Torque/euqroT would be a dead giveaway : )
0∈ [?]
06/23/04 6:02 PM GMT
Thanks joe for your nice comment on The Dreamland... :)
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Happiness is a behaviour.Sadness too.Make your mind CemKarahan
06/25/04 1:18 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment about Tower Bridge, appreciate it!
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06/25/04 7:12 AM GMT
Thanks Joe for your comment on " the highest bidder." I very much appreciate it.
The numbers on the bar code are random and have no meaning.

...and also thanks for your comment on Caedes Bronze. I may revise the image with the spider built in to the background.
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...rob... corp flag
07/14/04 7:40 AM GMT
Thanks for your post - glad you liked 'Sunrise at seapoint' - you seem like a sky person from your gallery - I'll dig out a few more sky shots I took recently and upload them - cheers!
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07/22/04 8:09 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on portrait of a photographer. You caught the idea exactly right. I was trying to portray the photographer and the image that the photographer was capture, its why I needed a wide view
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07/23/04 12:45 AM GMT
Thanks Joe for comment "Reflection"
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René de Rouyn-noranda,Quebec
07/26/04 6:24 PM GMT
Thanks for comments "Crepuscule"
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René Laplante de Rouyn-noranda,Quebec
10/01/04 1:14 PM GMT
Hey , thank you for your feedback on "light through the leaves".
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10/09/04 4:18 PM GMT
Thanks Joe, for the good compliment and the hints to the picture; 'The 4 Seasons' really appreciated and I'm glad you like it... there is already an edit on that pic.. maybe you think that's more beautifull? check out the gallery. Thanks again.

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Just be.
10/11/04 2:14 AM GMT
Thanks for the welcome....and the comments...N Hills here...Love just foolin'around with the digi camera...It is a great escape from the day to day ya know(pittsburghesse)
Thunder Snow
0∈ [?]
11/26/04 6:30 PM GMT
Thank you Joe for the comment on "Beautiful Skies"... I agree, the dark clouds next to the fluffy ones really gives it quite a contrast :)
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"We may throw the dice, but the LORD determines how they fall." -- NLT Proverbs 16:33
12/02/04 4:33 AM GMT
Thank you for your comment on my "darkness falls" picture, I really thought that was a good shot because of the detail and then the blackness, nature is so beautiful.
0∈ [?]
01/11/05 8:15 PM GMT
Hello Joe. Thanks for your constructive critic on 'An alpine village'. It was taken with a 200 mm lens and I must edit it a little to have a good view of the village. Thanks again :-)
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02/16/05 9:13 PM GMT
I am really behind with my correspondence so I apologize for the delay about your comments for my Horses in the Morning Fog image. I just wanted to let you know that I welcomed your input. Thank you for the nice words..
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Annie and I invite you to visit our website. Photography is not a trade - it is an art. It is more that an art. It is a solar phenomenon, where the artist collaborates with the sun. deLamartine 1855
02/17/05 3:25 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on Life in Blue. I must make sure my friend who took it gets some of the cred. :-)
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"darkness is absence of light"
04/21/05 2:27 PM GMT
Thank you for commenting on "If Dumbo Can So Can I!" I' glad you liked it.
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Capturing for infinity that which only lasts for a short time.
06/26/05 1:42 PM GMT
Thanks Joe. They don't get out of the water very often and even less often do I catch them in the act.

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"What other reason could there be to get up in the morning except to set ourselves free." If my comment on your work ever seems to criticise, it does not. It is always so that we may learn together.
07/17/05 3:57 AM GMT
I am terrebly sorry for taking so long. But, if you still are interested, This my "sticks" shot was taken in Beleize. I went there with a group to help with some wreckage that had recently effected a water supply! Thanks for you good comments

0∈ [?]
You are the beholder. So make it beautiful.
07/30/05 8:02 AM GMT
Hi Joe,
Thanks for commenting on my "After the Stom" image.
You asked how this was stitched, well, with a lot of time and effort :). The original shots were taken with the only lens I had available at the time- a super wide Sigma 12mm. So, of course there was heavy distortion. This left only one viable option open to me, manual stitching in PS. So mainly a lot of clone stamp, and healing brush. CS is nearly vital for something like this. If you want, I can send you the original pic, with the images put together, before the actual stitching.

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The end is near....
08/16/05 6:03 AM GMT
Thanks Joe for stopping by my AutoFix tutorial - glad it could be of some help to you

cheers - Phil
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
09/26/05 9:27 AM GMT
Thankyou very much for your comment on 'Hayle Sunset(s)', appreciated.
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"We cannot choose our genes, nor for the first few years our social and material environment, thus putting us on a path absent of our own freewill. Is this fate?
10/26/05 12:21 AM GMT
Thanks Joe for the kind input on my image El Captian Beach California
0∈ [?]
Art is the perception of the creator. Meaning is the perception of the viewer. acceptance is the perception of society.
10/26/05 12:22 AM GMT
Thanks Joe for the kind input on my image El Captian Beach California
0∈ [?]
Art is the perception of the creator. Meaning is the perception of the viewer. acceptance is the perception of society.
12/13/05 3:14 PM GMT
Niagara Horseshoe Falls Ca. Thanks Joe for your nice words on my photo I like your under water pictures.
0∈ [?]
12/17/05 8:46 PM GMT
Hey man thanks 4 stopping by to check out MindBender um to answer your question no it was not a photo I started off in Bryce 5.5 and then took it to adobe photo shop cs and finnally finnished it off with Paint shop pro 9. Some day they will maybe come out with a program that can do all...
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03/06/06 5:21 PM GMT
Thanks for your comment regarding "zihua sunset"... Yep, Zihuatanejo was featured in "Shawshank Redemption". When I got there I was expecting a lazy fishing village like the one portrayed in the movie (ie 50 years ago)... However, it's now a city of about 190 thousand. Great place all the same.
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"Keep what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is inherently your own, thus inspired by everything and limited to nothing."
01/14/07 11:45 PM GMT
Thanks for the tips on "Lotus Candles" - always appreciated! :)
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01/21/07 3:56 AM GMT
thanks loads for the comments at "Pure Rubbish", feedback is always appreciated.

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♥all i really want♥
01/31/07 11:40 AM GMT
Anyway thanks for comment , Joe.
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09/29/07 8:46 PM GMT
Thanks for your nice comments on Yikes!! It's Pike's.
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Imagine you are there
08/06/08 4:17 AM GMT
Hello! I would like to give you a delayed thanks to your posting on my "marble sun" I appreciate your honesty and kind words :)
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"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Andrew Wyeth
04/25/09 9:06 PM GMT
Lol, you posted a comment on my profile " Your post to the discussion board? Girlfriend to a wonderful man?? You're 13 for crying out loud!" Well it's 6 years later and I am still with that wonderful man :)
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