
Homepage for RebelGirl_06


Real Name:
1972 (53 years) 
08/13/06 4:13 PM GMT12/11/06 9:22 PM GMT 


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08/15/06 10:27 AM GMT
Hi Vicky, thanks for the comment on "negativemask", welcome to Caedes!
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08/15/06 8:18 PM GMT
Thanks Vicky for your comments on “Great White” My plan for this photo was to use a high aperture (F-16) along with a flash to get the black background. I scoped out a plant suitable for the shot and waited. I was rewarded with the arrival of this big white and the capture was made.

Thanks again Bob
0∈ [?]
08/24/06 5:13 AM GMT
Hey thanks for the comment on personal reflection, and yeah i love snow too, makes for good times. and i guess welcome to caedes, not a bad place to hang out eh.
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I came to get down
08/24/06 3:19 PM GMT
Hey Vicky ; thx for the comment on Polyommatus icarus ; glad you liked it.
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"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." my images
08/24/06 10:25 PM GMT
Thanks for the words on my profile page. I'm not sure I know what piece you are talking about but I'm glad you liked something by me at least. :)
0∈ [?]
08/25/06 3:38 PM GMT
thanks a lot for the comment on the "Say Hello" .I am glad you like it really .That mantis were really odd !I was very surprised to found her on the street full of people .She was really good model she just stay there and looks to the camera :) Thanks again :)
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You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak
08/26/06 1:47 PM GMT
Thanks Vickie for commenting on my picture ”Orange” its another macro shot with a flash.

0∈ [?]
08/26/06 10:06 PM GMT
thanks Vickie for the post on Morning Star - much appreciated

cheers - Phil
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A smart bomb is only as clever as the idiot that tells it what to do……
08/26/06 10:48 PM GMT
Thanks for the kind words on my "Pasture by the Creek". :) I'm glad you liked it.
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09/01/06 1:47 PM GMT
Hello Vickie. Thanks for your comments about “It’s a Beauty too”. I’m glad you like it. You wouldn’t think that something so small and so pretty would be deadly poisonous would you?
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
09/01/06 7:21 PM GMT
Hi Vicky, I am glad you liked the butterfly Dog, thanks so much for commenting!
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09/03/06 10:26 AM GMT
Thanks for the recent viewing and commenting on an image from my Gallery. I appreciate your support. Welcome to Caedes.
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Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual. Edward Weston
09/06/06 3:17 PM GMT
Hello Vickie, thank you for your comments about “A Shady Place” a blanket and a good book sound’s good to me :-)
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
09/06/06 10:42 PM GMT
Thanks Vickie for your comments on my picture “You Talking To Me” I ‘m really not that close I use a very powerful zoom lens to capture these guys.

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09/08/06 2:15 AM GMT
I'm really happy that you like my white squirrel. I think now I can change the minds of these people I know that say there are no such things. Appreciate your comments, Don
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09/15/06 12:55 AM GMT
hi vickie, thanks for stopping by and commenting on 'reflections exchanged'. i was racking my brain trying to come up with a title, and there it was right in front of me :o)
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I saw a peanut stand, heard a rubber band, I saw a needle that winked its eye. But I think I will have seen everything When I see an elephant fly. MY GALLERY
09/17/06 3:42 AM GMT
Thanks Vickie for leaving such kind comments on "I Can't Believe I Ate the Whole Thing". I'm glad you like it.
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10/04/06 9:05 PM GMT
Hi Vickie- and welcome in... Thanks for stopping by and commenting on Mystic wind. I sure do appreciate it. It would make a lovely tatt.
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I expand my perception of the world and accept my strength to change my mind.
10/12/06 1:18 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on Salmo/Creston... what movie does it remind you of?
0∈ [?]
I came to get down
10/12/06 1:18 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on Salmo/Creston... what movie does it remind you of?
0∈ [?]
I came to get down
10/13/06 5:32 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on my "Before..." That sure sounds like a weird dream ;)
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-=Pride is not a sin=-
10/16/06 10:07 PM GMT
Hey Vickie! that is one of my very early photographs I posted here - thank you for your comment! and hope you do get to visit Paris sometime. :) Patti
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"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that is why we call it the present." well much ...laugh often ..... mygallery
10/28/06 12:15 AM GMT
Hey Vickie ; thx for the comment on Doom ? , i named it so becuase of the fire within the eye.
0∈ [?]
It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that. my images
11/28/06 1:30 AM GMT
hiya vickie, thanks for checking out 'in mid flap' and liking it so much. that means alot.
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lately, i've fallen horribly behind in my thanks and comments. I'll catch up, but until I do, please know all your kind words are greatly appreciated.

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