
Homepage for .Twig963


Real Name:
1910 (115 years) 
06/07/06 7:16 AM GMT05/31/17 4:33 AM GMT 

Recent Works by Twig963: (full gallery)

Pekin Duck 2 by Twig963, Photography->Birds gallery Pekin Ducks by Twig963, Photography->Birds gallery Wild Blueberries by Twig963, Photography->Food/Drink gallery
Pekin Duck 2 Pekin Ducks Wild Blueberries


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06/08/06 10:19 AM GMT
Appreciate your visit to LOCK UP Twig....very kind of you to comment thanks.......Bob
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** To all my dear friends, I will be missing from Caedes, from the 24th June...touring and vacationing!.....Will miss you all...but will have great 'goodies' for you when I return!!!**
06/08/06 6:41 PM GMT
Hey Twig! I'm glad you came by to see "Al Gator". Your comments were most appreciated. Do drop by again. And welcome to Caedes-it's abit addictive! Carolyn :)
ps. "Al Gator" is honored to be in your favorites gallery :))
0∈ [?]
06/08/06 6:47 PM GMT
Hi again! Many thanks for checking out "Wakeboard Bob". Your comments were most complimentary.
And I see you stopped by "Carrie being a Tourist". More kind remarks..thanks Twig! Carolyn
0∈ [?]
06/08/06 6:52 PM GMT
Twig, I want to thank you for putting me on your friends list. I will be looking forward to seeing more of your images. Carolyn
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06/10/06 7:03 PM GMT
Hi Twig, Welcome to Caedes! Greetings from one Manitoban to another!! See ya round...........Amaris
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06/17/06 10:06 AM GMT
Hello there and thank you sooo much for your very kind comment about my evening glow photo posting. Yur enthusiasm sure made me smile..thanx again..verena
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I have a simple formula; do your best and somebody might like it.
06/21/06 6:27 PM GMT
Hi, Thanks for your comments on my pic Meerkat. Thanks. Dean.
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~If you can keep your head while those about you are losing theirs, perhaps you do not understand the situation.~
06/22/06 6:54 PM GMT
Thanks so much for your wonderful comments! Now I know how good the kids feel when the teacher tells them how well they are doing! I'm just now starting to make my way around this web site and my next stop is your gallery. I really enjoy looking at all the tallented photographers' work.
0∈ [?]
06/25/06 10:01 PM GMT
Hello Twig, thank you for those wonderful comments you left at “A Bird Called Orange”. The Flamingo always looks like something from a fairy tale to me.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
06/25/06 10:15 PM GMT
Hi Twig, thank's for your comments on "2 bugs" so glad you enjoyed it.
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06/26/06 11:10 PM GMT
Hi, Twig - I'm glad yuou enjoyed "White Wonders" - thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment -

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06/28/06 9:49 PM GMT
Hey Twig! Thanks for commenting on my fractal image, "Pie Vector" I'm glad you like it!
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Joga Bonito Check this out!
06/30/06 10:26 AM GMT
Hi Twig, Tahnks for viewing and generous comments on posting Goose And Goslings,,,appreciated..gerry..
0∈ [?]
06/30/06 11:50 AM GMT
Thanks so much for the wonderful comment on Fall Glory! Makes me think all the tedious work getting rid of the wires was worth it! I used the clone tool in Photoshop. But first I had to learn how to use Photoshop, so overall, it was a great learning experience.
Also another big thank you for comments on Tiger Tiger. I'm pretty impressed that you got all that from this picture! I think that's what a picture is supposed to do to a truely creative and artist mind.
0∈ [?]
07/03/06 2:03 AM GMT
Hi Twig, nice to meet you! I would like to wish you welcome to Caedes, and hope you enjoy your stay here! You will meet many very nice people on Caedes, so have fun! Many thanks to you for visiting "Susan's Show"! What a delightful, refreshing, sweet message you left me to enjoy! I appreciate your thoughts and comments and will look forward to your next visit! Thank you again Twig, Sincerely, Marilyn
0∈ [?]
07/03/06 2:32 AM GMT
I really appreciate your positive review of "Down on the Farm". You made me aware of things I hadn't noticed in this picture. Your evaluation is very professional and thought out. It gives me ideas of what to look for when taking a picture. Thanks!
0∈ [?]
07/03/06 3:07 AM GMT
Thanks alot for the feedback on Pop Tarts, Twig. I feel the same about pastels, but that was part of the reason I wanted to work with them. To overcome my dislike. I still don't care greatly for them, but I'm happy with how the piece turned out. I appreciate your comments :).
0∈ [?]
"The promise of tomorrow is not a guarantee, so I shall live for today and live for me." -- Smoosh. Please feel free to visit my Gallery. Your feedback and critiques are always greatly appreciated.
07/03/06 5:24 PM GMT
Hi, here I am again and very happy to be here Twig! Thanks so much for viewing "With a Song in my Heart"! So glad you liked it! The tulip, I believe, is our invitation to Spring! No flower symbolizes Spring quite like the tulip with it's enormous array of colors! Of course, there is always the crocus, that runs a close second! LOL! Sincerely, Marilyn
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07/06/06 1:18 PM GMT
Hello there. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by my newest work, Mystic. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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She'd die before she lived without her music.
07/06/06 10:37 PM GMT
Hey, thanks Twig! I really appreciate your comments on Fractalcality. Means a lot! :)
0∈ [?]
"The promise of tomorrow is not a guarantee, so I shall live for today and live for me." -- Smoosh. Please feel free to visit my Gallery. Your feedback and critiques are always greatly appreciated.
07/07/06 2:02 AM GMT
Twig, I'm speechless and that takes alot! Your comments on Sitting Still were extremely moving. I thank you sincerely! - Patty
0∈ [?]
07/07/06 9:33 PM GMT
my pic you commented on was the sun god pic, thank you and sorry for any damage too your eyes. I've known of this site now for 7 months but only started uploading a week ago, and am glad I did everyone's so wonderfully friendly and happy to offer good advice,and as for the comments you get a real buzz reading them. Again thank you
0∈ [?]
07/11/06 8:30 PM GMT
Reference "So Many Fireplugs, So Little Time"
You wrote: Haha! Before opening the full-size image, I thought it was a real dog sitting there! Such a novel idea and well photographed. Upon reading your comment above, I tried figuring out what's "strange" about the Dalmation and the only thing I see is that it's a statue! "

You got it Twig. That's it. It's a statue. Comment after comment came indicating the viewer thought it was a real dog and then FINALLY, someone wised up! Good eye Twig. Thks for taking a look.
0∈ [?]
07/12/06 12:47 AM GMT
Hey .. thanks for checking out "Starburst"
That certainly looks like it!
I hope to have a definite in a day or two. I sent an email and the image to the National Park where I saw it. A naturalist should be able to identify it for me.

Thanks for the info!
0∈ [?]
To get a friend you have to be a friend!
07/12/06 8:13 AM GMT
Thanks for the lovley comments on "Darkred Rose" much appreciated.
Have a great day :)
0∈ [?]
07/12/06 9:51 AM GMT
Im very glad to see that you are enjoying the floral series, I thank you for coming by and leaving you kind words for the Fifth in the series. I went with the softer approach for this one. so thanks again for you support.
0∈ [?]
Suicide is man's way of tell God "YOU CAN'T FIRE ME I QUIT."
07/12/06 5:28 PM GMT
Hi Twig, thanks for your comments on Forest Falls. I'm glad you like it. I never really appreciated the beauty of nature around here until I started taking pictures.
0∈ [?]
07/15/06 10:10 AM GMT
Hey Twig ; thx for the comments , they are appreciated.
0∈ [?]
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." my images
07/16/06 12:56 AM GMT
I'm so thrilled when one of my pictures (like Big Red) turns out well, and I'm even happier when someone else likes it. Thanks Twig, for your wonderful comments.
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07/19/06 6:24 PM GMT
Hi Twig, thanks for your support on "Ladybug." I'm glad you like it. I had a lot of fun making it.
0∈ [?]
07/19/06 9:30 PM GMT
Oh, no! Now I've got that Deep Purple song in my head too! But thanks so much for your great comment on Fire in the Sky.
0∈ [?]
07/20/06 2:18 PM GMT
hiya twig, thanks for your comments on my two pics, 'water on the rocks' and 'water on the rocks unplugged'. your kind words were really appreciated. i'm glad you like them.

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I could wile away the hours Conferrin' with the flowers Consultin' with the rain And my head I'd be scratchin' While my thoughts were busy hatchin' If I only had a brain
08/03/06 10:48 AM GMT
Hello Twig. Thank you for your comments about ” Somewhere over the Rainbow”. I was quite pleased to get that one because it’s so rare to see the entire rainbow without something obstructing the view. I'm glad you like it too.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
08/03/06 3:08 PM GMT
Hi Twig, Thanks so much for your kind comments on Botanical Cafe and Rock Glen. I appreciate your input.
0∈ [?]
08/17/06 11:57 AM GMT
Hi! Thanks for your nice comments on Tatanka! Really appreciate the kind words! ~Dan
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NO MAN IS USELESS who has a friend, and if we are loved we are indispensable.~ Robert Louis Stevenson VISIT MY GALLERY
08/18/06 6:31 PM GMT
Hi Twig, You were the third nice thing that happened to me today! (Don't they always run in 3's or is that bad things that do?)
All those wonderful comments on my pictures! You are such a sweetie!
You've given me an idea - I think I should do a theme that's based on song lyrics.
Thanx again a bunch!
0∈ [?]
08/18/06 7:30 PM GMT
Hey Twig ; thx for all thekind comments , always appreciated.
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"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." my images
08/19/06 3:09 PM GMT
Hello Twig. Thank you for your lovely comments about “Lisgar Falls” I’m pleased you like it :-)
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
08/23/06 10:42 PM GMT
Hi Twig, Thanks for your kind comments on "Lucky Lotus". I really appreciate it!
0∈ [?]
08/30/06 1:33 PM GMT
Thanks so much Twig, for all your wonderful comments on my pictures. I really appreciate the time you must have taken to do it!
0∈ [?]
Confucius say:  make sure words touch wisdom tooth on way out of mouth.
09/03/06 9:40 AM GMT
Hi Twig. Thanks for taking a look at my photo 'Guardsman' and leaving a great comment. Your words were warmly received. Thanks, Iain.
0∈ [?]
It's better to have a living dog, than a dead lion.
09/03/06 1:08 PM GMT
Hello Twig. Thank you for your comments about “Flannel Flowers”. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
09/04/06 2:18 PM GMT
Thanks, Twig. I very much appreciate your kind comments on my "Ice Flower" photo.
0∈ [?]
Caedes says: "DON'T be afraid of hurting someone's feelings. DO offer advice on how the image could be improved."
09/07/06 5:18 PM GMT
Thank you Twig, for you comments about “Crescent Head”, a jewel you say… you are to kind and I appreciate it :-)
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
09/07/06 9:01 PM GMT
Hi Twig, Thanks so much for all your encouraging comments - they really spark up my day!
0∈ [?]
Proper prior preparation prevents poor performance!
09/07/06 10:42 PM GMT
Hello Twig. Thank you for your comments about “Courting Kookas”. Our scouting song went. Kookaburra sits on electric wire tears in his eye and his pants on fire.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
09/08/06 1:46 AM GMT
Thanks for you comments and kind words on 'Not Quite Full'.
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09/13/06 6:56 AM GMT
Thanks Twig, I'm glad you like my pic "Chain Bridge at Night"...
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09/15/06 11:33 PM GMT
Thanks for visiting "I will gladly pay you Tuesday", Twig. I really appreciate your comments -

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09/17/06 1:06 PM GMT
Hi Twig, Thanks for all the wonderful comments on my pictures. I wish I could say I live in one of those "candy" houses, but alas - mine is just the regular run-of-the-mill brick thing!
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 If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.
09/17/06 1:35 PM GMT
Hello Twig. Thank you for your comments about “Nocturnal Grace”. I’m pleased you like it.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
09/19/06 8:07 AM GMT
The things we do when we can't fall asleep. Testing signature :)
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Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand. ~Margery Williams The Velveteen Rabbit~
09/24/06 12:05 AM GMT
Hey Twig :)
Thanks for stopping by my self portrait *PrettyFae*...very pleased you liked it, hon!
Have a great day and best wishes,

Fae x
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09/28/06 10:37 AM GMT
Hi Twig- Thanks so much for your comment at 'Goldie". I'm so glad that I could bring back good memories for you about your horse. I really appreciate your stopping by. Take care- Eileen
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Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget ;)
09/28/06 12:51 AM GMT
Twig, thanks very much for all your nice comments on the posts in my gallery! Really appreciate your taking the time to look & comment on them all! Glad you enjoyed them. By the way I really like the saying about the velveteen rabbit you have on your avatar! I've got a b-day coming up soon that I'm regretting & I can really relate to the rabbit! lol Thanks again! ~Dan
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GOD PUT ME on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind I will never die. Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes cartoonist VISIT MY GALLERY
09/28/06 1:43 PM GMT
hi twig, i'm glad you liked the guy on the boardwalk. i felt he was too special to pass up. jen
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not writing thank yous feels really strange. i guess i'll just say THANK YOU now! Please Visit My Gallery
09/29/06 2:40 AM GMT
Hi Twig, Thanks so much for all those wonderful comments on my pictures. That little cottage is the same one I posted earlier, just a different view. I don't live there, but I would love to!
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Encouragement is the oxygen to the soul.
09/30/06 3:53 AM GMT
Thank you Twig for your generous comments. Nice to see more Canadians here:-)
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10/07/06 8:56 PM GMT
Hi Twig and thanks for your nice comments about my "Costa Nova"
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10/08/06 4:44 PM GMT
hi twig, thanks for commenting on my work, and as for your "holy crap" comment on 'acrophobic pigeon', i'm still laughing even as i type this
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lately, i've fallen horribly behind in my thanks and comments. I'll catch up, but until I do, please know all your kind words are greatly appreciated.
10/08/06 6:32 PM GMT
Thanks Twig for your recent comments on my Frog Rest image. I'm glad to have shared this view with you. He's only about the size of your thumb. I don't think licking him will have a big impact.
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Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual. Edward Weston
10/09/06 7:10 AM GMT
Kia Ora Twig, glad you liked the trip up the alps. Thanks so much for your lovely comments. :) I have posted a couple more of the same place since then, but perhaps should come down to earth now :)
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The question is not what you look at, but what you see ~ Marcel Proust
10/09/06 4:05 PM GMT
Hi Twig, how nice to see you came by to view *Remembering Raoulette*. She was precious and lived 12 yrs. Thanks for your kind comments. Hope you come by again. Best wishes, Carolyn
0∈ [?]
I'm going to be browsing for images..commenting when able. I need to catch up on things.
10/09/06 4:13 PM GMT
Hey Twig, I'm back...I see you stopped by and checked out *Double Decker*. I appreciate your fun comments. Yes, they were large..14". Thanks for your support. Your friend, Carolyn
0∈ [?]
I'm going to be browsing for images..commenting when able. I need to catch up on things.
10/10/06 10:13 PM GMT
Hello Twig. You left such beautiful words on A Quiet Place. It was very warming to read them. I love the Shaker words; I recall them from my youth, actually. But I wouldn't have recalled them, likely ever, had you not written them there. So, I thank you. Taking the time to write something from inside always causes changes outside.. cheers, Quiet
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~"In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths" (Prov. 3:6).~
10/12/06 9:43 PM GMT
Hey, thanks for stopping by to check out the "Fish Ladder"! I really appreciate it.
0∈ [?]
“Now I know the things I know, and I do the things I do; and if you do not like me so, to hell, my love, with you!” ~Dorothy Parker (American short-story Writer and Poet, 1893-1967) PS- JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS, I JUST CANNOT KEEP UP WITH THE THANK YOU'S AND STILL HAVE TIME TO ENJOY ALL YOUR BEAUTIFUL WORK - SO PLEASE KNOW THAT I APPRECIATE YOU ALL!!!!!
10/13/06 3:06 PM GMT
Hi Twig! Thanks a bunch for your comments on my recent posts! Really appreciate it!! :)
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GOD PUT ME on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind I will never die. Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes cartoonist VISIT MY GALLERY
10/15/06 2:56 AM GMT
hi twig, i guess this seems cheesy, but thank you as well for all of your comments. they're not just insightful, but convey that you've really taken the time to check out each piece. not to mention the fact that you're pretty funny too :o)
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lately, i've fallen horribly behind in my thanks and comments. I'll catch up, but until I do, please know all your kind words are greatly appreciated.
10/16/06 4:59 AM GMT
Many thanks Twig, for your viewing *Flying High*. I enjoyed your cute comments on Aaron, and he did well in that competition :) He was 11yrs in that photo, and is now 20 - has entered many competitions through the years and has done pretty well..he's still competing. Again, I appreciate your support & your viewing of my images - Best wishes, Carolyn
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I'm going to be browsing for images..commenting when able. I need to catch up on things.
10/16/06 7:38 PM GMT
Hi Twing and many thanks for your kind words on my "Hello"
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10/27/06 5:58 AM GMT
Hello Twig. Thank you for those wonderful comments you left at “Trader In The Sun” :-)
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
10/27/06 2:36 PM GMT
Hi Twig! Thanks so much for your comments on my recent posts! Appreciate your taking the time to visit & leave a note. Thanks again & take care!
0∈ [?]
GOD PUT ME on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind I will never die. Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes cartoonist VISIT MY GALLERY
10/28/06 10:40 AM GMT
Hello Twig, thank you for your comments about “Duyfken” and “Young Wagtail”. I bet that the horsehair nest you found has become a personal treasure :-)
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
10/30/06 6:56 AM GMT
Thank you, Twig, for commenting my ' Winter Scenery 1 ' picture. Your comments are always appreciated /HJ
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10/31/06 5:37 AM GMT
Thank you Twig for your comments about “Prawn Lunch” and I do agree about the brown reed. I wish I had noticed it before posting the photo.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
10/31/06 11:11 AM GMT
Great comment you left on "I, perfection"! You must know cats to have recognized his demeanor! Cats are so interesting to have around, even just to observe.. Have a great day, Twig!
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~"In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths" (Prov. 3:6).~
10/31/06 1:00 PM GMT
Hi Twig, thanks for leaving a lovely comment on "Precious Drops", I'm glad you enjoyed it. Cheers, Kelcey.
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10/31/06 1:07 PM GMT
So happy you liked my sunset Twig. Best wishes, Kelcey.
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11/01/06 9:20 PM GMT
Thank you for your comments about “Poor old Peg Leg” Twig. That scowly look of his is typical of a wagtail when he not happy about something else (in this case that’s me :-) being in his territory.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
11/01/06 11:44 PM GMT
Hey Twig, thanks for comments you left at "cannons at Ticonderoga". Very much appreciated. (ps, love your little girl pumpkin avatar!)
0∈ [?]
We make a living by what we get; but we make a life by what we give.
11/02/06 1:06 AM GMT
Thank you for your kind words on my pic "Leaves of Glass" also thank you for the welcome.
I hope to upload more pic's soon.
I'm saving to get a better camera, as the one i now use, an Olympus C220Z, is very limiting; especially as I am disabled and camera shake is a constant problem.
0∈ [?]
11/02/06 4:54 PM GMT
Thank you so much for your comments on Hibiscus Bud. Your input is much appreciated. anne :-)
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Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
11/02/06 5:05 PM GMT
Twig, It's very kind of you to give an honest critique outside the realm of personal belief (re: FEAR...) I was looking for artisitic evaluation, not moral opinion and you GOT that. Not everyone does. How does an artist who's work is in the field of religion get the feedback from outsiders otherwise? Graphic and photographic arts reach far and wide and I hope your perspective will rub off on others. Sometimes people forget it's about the art - which is never PC in my opinion. Oh well, that's that. Thanks again for your kind words of encouragement.
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What do you think?
11/03/06 3:59 PM GMT
Thanks for your comment on "No Way Out"
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Fighting for freedom is like screwing for virginity. - Anon
11/03/06 6:34 PM GMT
Well, Hi Twig! I'm delighted that you came by to see *Waiting for owd Bob*. I just had to find a bench to join all the others :) Thanks for those kind comments on the bench and're a sweetie. Come on by again...your friend, Carolyn
0∈ [?]
I'm going to be browsing for images..commenting when able. I need to catch up on things.
11/03/06 8:59 PM GMT
Twig, merci beaucoup pour votre grand commentaire sur mon petit chou. Vous avez fait
mon jour ! Je suis très impressionné avec votre Français!
0∈ [?]
Never look down on anyone unless you're helping them up.
11/12/06 6:39 PM GMT
Hi Twig, Thanks for checking out "Agent Orange" and leaving a comment. Comments always help me to fine tune the way I shoot and edit images so they are much appreciated. Chip
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shoot to thrill
11/14/06 5:03 PM GMT
Hello Twig. I'm Late ... I'm late for a very important date .... Way behind in my "Thank you's" My apologies ... I'd hate you to think I didn't appreciate your comment left at "Lesson Learned" because nothing could be further from the truth. Thanks for taking the time to offer your thoughts.
0∈ [?]
Just an old "Grampa" who still has a Kodak "Box" camera kicking around the attic ... learning and enjoying the wonders of modern digital photography.
10/02/08 6:39 AM GMT
Thank you Twig,very nice comment on "The nest" uploaded
last year,and I greatly appreciate your wonderful words.
Also thanking you for nice comment on "Beginning of the day"
Very nice of you Twig!
0∈ [?]
10/02/08 4:23 PM GMT
Many thanks for your comment, Twig, on "Mama & Sonny Boy"
0∈ [?]
If practice makes perfect and nobody is perfect, then why practice?

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