
Homepage for .bluebiker


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Kansas City, USA 
1939 (86 years) 
02/27/06 11:19 PM GMT05/23/23 7:16 PM GMT 

Recent Works by bluebiker: (full gallery)

Unidentified Purple by bluebiker, Photography->Nature gallery Sister Cities Pedestrian Bridge by bluebiker, Photography->Bridges gallery A Gift by bluebiker, Photography->Flowers gallery
Unidentified Purple Sister Cities Pedestrian Bridge A Gift


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03/04/06 9:45 PM GMT
Hi Rho, nice to meet you, and very welcome to Caedes ! You found the right site, as you are interested in digital photography. No problem to find good advices here. I´m also here to thank you for your very kind comment on one of my orchid images, number 10 in my series..or rather our series...I collaborated with B.J. (bjb) from North Carolina on most of the 24 images in this series of photos and she did a marvelous job to present my images well, also on # 10 (unfortunately she left the site a few months ago). I´m glad you liked this can probarbly find some more nice orchids in my gallery...
Thank you so much for commenting ! -- Arne --
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-- Arne --
03/19/06 7:02 PM GMT
Thank you very much for taking the time to review my image "Barometer Mt." I really appreciate your comments! and welcome to caedes
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03/21/06 3:41 AM GMT

Welcome to Caedes. It's great to see new members.

Thanks for checking out my "Mt. Carmel Waterfall." I appreciate your comments.

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03/21/06 2:59 PM GMT
Hey! Thanks Rho for your nice feedback on 'Jardins d'Annevoie 2'. These gardens are really beautiful, especcially in spring and fall :-)
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03/27/06 1:41 AM GMT
Thanks Rho for your comments on "Together We Stand".
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03/30/06 8:09 PM GMT
Thanks Rho, for your support!
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If you can't find the words, you may as well shoot it...
04/05/06 9:21 AM GMT
Rho, lotsa thanks for helping me through that Sandstorm !! It's great to have your support!!
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04/11/06 1:29 PM GMT
Thanks for the great comment on "a frosty afternoon". You've come to the right site to help you with digital photography. Hope to see you posting soon.
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We make a living by what we get; but we make a life by what we give.
04/18/06 6:15 AM GMT
Hello. Many thanks for your nice words on 'Machu Picchu - details'. Incredible place to visit! :-)
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05/09/06 3:22 AM GMT
Thakn you very much for your kind comments on my photos Dawn From Vancouver Island and Windy Day. They were received with an open heart. May your day be one of harmony and balance.
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05/29/06 4:44 AM GMT
Hi.. thanks for your lovely comment on Snowflake Flowers... im so glad you liked it..
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"A sense of humour is as important to life as shock absorbers to a car.. It helps us over the bumps im life" / P.K. Shaw
12/05/06 2:18 PM GMT
Thanks Rho for the very nice comment you left on 'Namib desert 8' :-)
'Uncomfortable' is not the right word. My wife and I are lucky enough to be in good health and to like walking, trekking, snowshoeing and hiking. So, we can find these journeys with two organisations:
1) For one day walkings, little treks and snowshoes: Compagnie Ardennaise de Randonnée
2) For far countries: Terres d’Aventures
Sorry, no english translations...
When we leave with them, we are sure to take beautiful photos...
Thanks again :-)
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03/19/07 5:56 PM GMT
Hello Rho,
concerning the Crocus:
No. all natural light! Nothing changed in this shot.
Thanks for your nice comments.
0∈ [?]
If you can't find the words, you may as well shoot it...
05/11/07 3:06 AM GMT
Hello Rho, Thank you much for the comment on "Sun Dog"
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ :)sandi♪ ♫
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I really enjoy hearing from my caedes friends.
06/05/07 9:23 PM GMT
Hi Rho, glad you enjoyed my photo "a dove" and thank you for taking the time to comment. I am going to take the next day or to and try to catch up on my commenting.
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06/15/07 12:04 AM GMT
Thanks for commenting on "Flippers in the Sand". I'm gald you enjoyed it!
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07/13/07 1:43 AM GMT
Thank you for your comment on Crowded Much appreciated
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Hey Hey Im Back In Caedes  Images Made By A Mac 
07/15/07 3:35 PM GMT
Rho, so nice to meet you, my name is Mark, and I live in Plymouth, England, GB.

See you soon....

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Wer be me space ship ?
08/31/07 11:25 AM GMT
Hi Rho.. thanks for your great comment on Milky Way i'm glad you enjoyed it.. it does look like a lot of dancers..
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MY GALLERY ........... "Live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece"
01/09/08 12:09 AM GMT
Thank you for your kind comments on C.V.C. It has taken a long time to build but should be opening soon.
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01/11/08 7:05 PM GMT
Thanks for your nice words on my Arabian Oryx. Glad you enjoyed it.
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02/06/08 11:01 PM GMT
Thanks for the comments you've been leaving on my art pieces Rho. I really appreciate them and I'm happy you like them!
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Life is the pits sometimes, but God and your friends are always there to help you through it.
06/15/08 10:05 AM GMT
Rho, many thanks for your kind comment on "Sun on a Flower." ~~ John
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09/15/08 4:53 PM GMT
Hi Rho ... Many thanks for stopping by & commenting on "Cascades". Thanks for the ID also on this lovely bush ... 'Bridlewreath Spirea'. Much appreciation ... Sherree
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Best wide-angle lens? Two steps backward. Look for the 'ah-ha'. Ernest Haas
10/28/08 5:21 PM GMT
TnX for your comment on Wolfgangsee...Gr Michel
0∈ [?]
11/22/08 3:53 AM GMT
Hi Rho, Thanks for the complements on leaving soon . Much appreciated.
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04/01/09 4:51 AM GMT
Thanks so much Rho. Nice to meet you. Thanks for the really nice comments on Freedom, Pride and Hope. I am glad you like it.

Tick* was here

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May you never forget what is worth remembering, Or remember what is best forgotten.
04/01/09 4:53 AM GMT
Hello again Rho. Thanks again for comments on Where There's Smoke. I see you are a fellow Missourian.

Tick* was here

0∈ [?]
May you never forget what is worth remembering, Or remember what is best forgotten.
04/05/09 9:01 AM GMT
Hi,Rho!Thank you so much for your nice comment on "Pairs"!..I'm glad you liked it!
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04/05/09 9:51 AM GMT
Many thanks Rho the bluebiker for the comments on "Golden shower flower". Your support is really appreciated...
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( This message is posted from Gods Own Country,Kerala,India )
04/08/09 1:08 PM GMT
Tks Rho, for your comments on Manx Tabby! Nice to meet you!
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Anxiously waiting for spring!
04/13/09 6:22 PM GMT
Many thanks Rho,for your nice comments on my last pics!...very much appreciated!I hope you had a happy Easter!..I will celebrate it ,in 18-19 April(our religion is Christian-Orthodox)
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