
Homepage for .d_spin_9


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Calgary, Alberta 
1989 (36 years) 
02/25/04 4:44 AM GMT10/08/17 2:42 PM GMT 

Recent Works by d_spin_9: (full gallery)

Nearing the Pass by d_spin_9, Photography->Mountains gallery Backcountry by d_spin_9, Photography->Mountains gallery Elephant Rock Huck by d_spin_9, photography->people gallery
Nearing the Pass Backcountry Elephant Rock Huck


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06/14/05 7:25 PM GMT
Hello Carl,
I stil have to tell you what play it was on my photo of "The piano".
It was Adagio from Frans Schubert (Scherzo allegro vivace D845).
Thanks for your comments, I appreciate it very much.

P.s. the sky on the "The Dreamer" was unaltered, whereas the sky on the beach was edited (more contrast) on the PC. The sun was above the picture, therefore you couldn't see it. The camera I used in this case was the EOS 350D.
See you around Carl!
0∈ [?]
If you can't find the words, you may as well shoot it...
06/23/05 6:21 AM GMT
Thanks Carl. I thought so when I saw it.

0∈ [?]
"What other reason could there be to get up in the morning except to set ourselves free." If my comment on your work ever seems to criticise, it does not. It is always so that we may learn together.
06/23/05 6:22 AM GMT
Thanks again Carl.

0∈ [?]
"What other reason could there be to get up in the morning except to set ourselves free." If my comment on your work ever seems to criticise, it does not. It is always so that we may learn together.
06/23/05 1:28 PM GMT
Thanks Carl...I appreciate your visit and nice comments on Forest Green for fotobob...very glad you enjoyed it.:Pat.
0∈ [?]
Join me and Let's Talk.
06/26/05 4:38 AM GMT
Carl, thank you for your kind words on "Piercing Qualities". I just got lucky with this shot. Itwas the only clear spot for a shot and the eagle landed right there on the dead branch. I was about 100 feet from the bird. The original image showed the bird as half the hieght of the frame but good ole cropping works very well;-0
0∈ [?]
06/28/05 4:25 AM GMT
you are the most awesomeest coolest friend i know, i know all my photographic talent is right from you, and to be honest i even coppied you because i think your soooo cool when i got the same camera as you

edited to:
You mean you are still here? Awe man.
0∈ [?]
"A piece of toast with butter always lands butter side down, and a cat always lands on its feet. What happens if a piece of toast is tied butter side down to the back of falling cat? Does it hover above the ground in perpetual indecision?"
07/07/05 4:47 AM GMT
Thank you Carl for your comments on "Sticking Out". I'm very pleased you liked it.

When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity
Albert Einstein
0∈ [?]
07/30/05 7:47 AM GMT
Just wanted to tell you that I've been going thru your gallery and I'm quite impressed by your work. :)) Keep it up. Sarah
0∈ [?]
Hi I'm Sarah. My motto is if you like cats, you can't be ALL bad. :)
09/26/05 10:48 PM GMT
Shhhh. No mentioning the buldges that i didn't notice. They would have appeared when i got rid of the car in the background:P. And, i don't think i did much with the curves, but i did use the burn tool to burn some of the highlights down. it works pretty well in some cases.

0∈ [?]
"A piece of toast with butter always lands butter side down, and a cat always lands on its feet. What happens if a piece of toast is tied butter side down to the back of falling cat? Does it hover above the ground in perpetual indecision?"
10/06/05 1:47 AM GMT
Hello Carl, Thanks for your comments about “Time To Scarper”, the concrete well that’s life I suppose.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
10/07/05 11:09 AM GMT
Hi Carl, I'll take what you mentioned in consideration next time I go to photograph something of the like. All your comments and advice are greatly appreciated.
0∈ [?]
Red Tide is coming. Check this out!
10/12/05 3:31 AM GMT
I'm sorry for the late thank you, I'm not sure if I gave you one or not, if so or not, thanks for your words on In the Distance (Reworked)! Also, the colors were made like that because I go for the sort of unreal sort of colors, things you wouldn't see everyday, thanks again.
0∈ [?]
-SilverFang-Take a look at the Day of Worship (Revised)!
10/22/05 6:24 AM GMT
don't you think it might be time to update that age field?
0∈ [?]
"A piece of toast with butter always lands butter side down, and a cat always lands on its feet. What happens if a piece of toast is tied butter side down to the back of falling cat? Does it hover above the ground in perpetual indecision?"
10/28/05 1:12 AM GMT
Glad you liked 'City,reflected'. Thanks
0∈ [?]
11/29/05 7:11 AM GMT
Thank you for the critique on "Summer Pools" Carl. I can see where your eyes are focusing now. I really should pack my gum boots to reach the sweet spot:))
0∈ [?]
12/02/05 3:42 AM GMT
Hey carl thanks for commenting on my photo..very appreciated. I did in fact use film for the shot..ISO 200 for my scanner its actually a really crappy Canon scanner that uses a CIS instead of a CCD..
0∈ [?]
/this body makes me feel eternal//all this pain is an illusion/
12/16/05 3:02 PM GMT
Hey Carl , thx for the comments on spider and ice & metal.
About spider that was done before i hade PS so my options then were limited , and altough i would love to do what you sugested , i lost the original pic .
But i will take your adivese on ice and metal.

0∈ [?]
have a nice day and read more fantasy.
12/20/05 6:02 PM GMT
Hi Carl! thanks very much for your visit unto "Common Blue2" ;D if you look at "Common blue 1" you will see the blue part... ;-)
0∈ [?]
Please feel welcome to view my Gallery Here
12/24/05 10:10 PM GMT
I do have a bunch of others, and in my oppinion probably one or two better ones. I started with this one because it is landscape and not portrait. I'll be posting more soon with the dreaded bars on the side. If you want i can email you a couple of them too. I probably wont post all of them because people wont like them. It was an awesome day though. It was around 0 degrees so it wasn't too cold, but there was mostly snow cover everywhere. It looked good.
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
12/25/05 12:08 AM GMT
I did see the picture you posted. I'm pretty sure i have seen it before. You should post it anyways, people like wierd stuff. They might even like the shadows you don't like:P. I got a picture of an ice climber too:P.
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
01/04/06 5:15 PM GMT
No, i haven't had any time to go really:P. I have been working crappy shifts from 1:00 to 9:30, so if i don't have something i have to do in teh morning i have been sleeping to long:P. After today i have some time off, so hopefully i will be able to go look again. I think ive decided it will be either the nikon or sigma one, with a bit of a leanancy towards the nikon at the moment. So not yet, but hopefully soon. Maybe ill drag you along if you want to come again:P. But anyways, how was your trip?
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
01/08/06 1:00 PM GMT
Hi Carl, thanks for your comments on Robin 3. I'm never one for paying too much attention to borders as I don't think they are that significant. What I was trying to do here though was position the birds eye roughly on the right hand 3rd and leave space on the side the robin was looking. Thanks for your feedback though, it's really appreciated.

0∈ [?]
01/09/06 2:45 PM GMT
Hi Carl...thanks for dropping by to view Winter on the Rocks...glad you liked it...yes, I did a little post processing darkening...thanks for your interest.:Pat.
0∈ [?]
The new year is full of time. As the seconds tick away, will you be tossing time out the window, or will you make every minute count?
01/10/06 6:36 PM GMT
Hi Carl,

Your generous words are most apprecited. Glad you found the snowcover so appealing. To tell you the truth I haven't taken such a photo yet I would be 100 percent satified with. Of course I try my best to convey the atmosphere of the place but always have the feeling it seemed much more beautiful in reality than on the photo. I believe also the cameras will never capture the scenery as it is, with all its niuances.

0∈ [?]
Here is my gallery "In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" Aristotle
01/11/06 5:17 AM GMT
I took the one of the bear at f/10. i tried a bunch of different f stops. 2,8 was amazing. The snot and eyes were in focus, and the rest out. Its pretty neat. Now all i need to do is find something interesting to take pictures of.
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
01/11/06 9:54 AM GMT
Hi Carl,
Thanks so much for the advise, I really appreciate it. Im going to follow through with all your suggestions as soon as I get back from my holiday (this computer doesnt have photoshop) and then I`ll let you know when I load it!
thanks again!
0∈ [?]
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"-Plato
01/15/06 5:35 AM GMT
Hello Carl. Thank you for your comments and query about “Tuckers House”. The photo was taken in misty rain, which I enhanced, by selective use of the diffuse glow filter. Cheers.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
01/16/06 11:08 PM GMT
Hello Carl, it’s me again. Thank you for you compliments about “Turbulent Beauty” and about my gallery. The shutter speed for “Turbulent Beauty” was about 2 seconds. Most of my shots were taken with a 300D with the kit lens or a 70 – 200mm F4 zoom. Of late I have been using a Kodak SLR/c with a 17 – 40 F4 zoom. When they stopped making the Kodak the price dropped to a point, which made it difficult to say no:-)
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
01/18/06 6:12 AM GMT
There, i posted one. So far i have tried to edit stuff, and nothing is turning out.
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
01/23/06 5:50 AM GMT
So you definitly are smarter then those other two. I agree the thirds are still there in hay field shot, and you are bang on 100% when it comes to shake, not focus. I tried to up the iso, and i got it pretty close, but no tripod:(. Tripod borrowing might be a good call, while i was thinking i would bring the video card to church tonight, but i ended up being to lazy to grab it out. Nextt ime i see you ill try. oh, and yes, i did use the polarizor on that one.
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
01/24/06 5:11 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on my "Petrifying Springs Park - Bridge #3." I appreciate it. The image isn't crooked - I made sure of that in PS - but the land does slope off to the left like that :)
0∈ [?]
-=Pride is not a sin=-
01/31/06 6:57 AM GMT
I accutally did do some of that seperate adjusting and masking on the frozen marker shot :P
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
02/02/06 3:23 AM GMT
I thought i would honour you with my 1000th post. have a nice day, and post something new.
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
02/02/06 6:18 AM GMT
You are right, all i do is go around and talk to random people telling them that they got post 998 and so on. Still no post eh?

It appears you are correct. 1001 give it to you. Only 51 more left for you.
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
02/02/06 3:29 PM GMT
Hey Carl , thx again for the origonal pic and the sugestions on my rework. They are appreciated. unfortunately my free time has run out :-((
0∈ [?]
have a nice day and read more fantasy. my images
02/08/06 5:33 AM GMT
the picture of the penicl was taken at F22, 2 sec, with the big tripod. There was accutally a bit of a glare on the tip of the pencil so i did use burn tool to bring that down alittle. The rotating of the camera would have probably been a good idea though.
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
02/09/06 10:35 PM GMT
unfortunately, my picture uploading is hindered by the quality of my scanner. I work on film only, prefering old cameras over new digital. (True, both do have their advantages and disadvantages). As soon as I figure out how to run photoshop, which i recently acquired, and i can justify getting every processed roll of film on CD, maybe i'll upload a few. For now, i'm content to use Caedes as, how shall I say, inspiration.
0∈ [?]
Success is not Success if it is Inevitable.
02/15/06 1:57 AM GMT
Hi Carl, it is nice to see your comment on "Talk of the Pacific". Sounds like it has been way to long since you've been to the coast;-) I keep a regular eye on your work to get inspiration. I will soon be an Alberta resident...wanna buy a house? Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the tracks idea on my image.
0∈ [?]
02/22/06 9:20 PM GMT
Hello Carl, It’s nice to hear from you. You asked what lens I used for “Splendid View” it was a Canon 70 – 200 F/4 lens. The exposure was 1/8 second at F/20.
0∈ [?]
There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
02/24/06 5:38 PM GMT
Thanks for your comments on Natural Bridge and thanks for taking the time to take a look!
0∈ [?]
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt
02/25/06 12:19 AM GMT
Thanks for the feedback about my "Don't Get Around Much Anymore" vs "Saturated Old Buick" images. I've been getting low ratings on my Black and White as well as my highly-saturated, high-contrast images, while the normal color ones are doing fine. I think most people just prefer color to B&W, and without the development tricks.
0∈ [?]
ж Regmar ж
02/26/06 3:36 AM GMT
i was saying did you get the mud off your tripod. Ill work on some pictures in abit
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
02/27/06 11:46 PM GMT
Hey Carl, thanks for the comment on "In a Funky Blue Haze". That's one that I found in the bottom of the old shoe box. It's an earlier version of Fujichrome that was made before you were born. It's ASA 100 film (ASA American Standards Association was used berfore ISO). There that's your history lesson for
0∈ [?]
Focus on the Light of the world
02/28/06 5:26 AM GMT
I did use the flash. Nice pick up on that. You are probably right about the snow in the bottem there. The problem was i was standing on the wall of one of them picnic huts in bowness park, so i was having a good enough time keeping my balance:P.
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
03/01/06 5:46 AM GMT
Thanks Carl, for your nice comments on my "Fog above a frozen lake" & "Northern light", your comments are much appreciated / HJ
0∈ [?]
03/09/06 12:21 AM GMT
congrats on 1000 posts
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
03/16/06 8:53 AM GMT
Hi Carl, thanks for your comments and suggestions on Looks are Decieving and Colourful Rock, really appreciate it.

0∈ [?]
03/26/06 11:32 PM GMT
Thank you very much Carl for your comments on "Spring Runoff ". I really appreciate it. The perspective thing does kind of look the way you described it. The way it was achieved is using a technique called "Hyper Focal". If you would like to know more about it just drop me a line. In case you already know about it: It really is something isn't it?
0∈ [?]
03/27/06 7:36 PM GMT
It probably wasn't aproved at the point you saw it. It is kinda dumb. It tells you it was uploaded before it is approved.
0∈ [?]
Its time for a new sig for me, so it is for sale. Any offers can be made via a message in my profile.
04/24/06 6:11 PM GMT
Hello Carl.....Thankyou for your comment on (DAFFODILS) it is very much appreciated....Cornish daffodil farms are some of the largest and most efficient in the world, supplying flowers and bulbs to all parts of the UK, to Continental Europe, and to the USA....All the best....Mick.
0∈ [?]
05/06/06 3:33 AM GMT
Thanks for expanding my collection of possible/future desktop backgrounds! You have quite an amazing set of pictures in your gallery, probably one of the best galleries I have seen on Caedes. Keep up the good work!
0∈ [?]
05/13/06 7:35 AM GMT
Thanks for your response to my photograph "Raccoons"
0∈ [?]
Be happy. Enjoys our earth...Lien.
05/19/06 6:14 AM GMT
I agree with the background comment. I'd like to pick up some foam board from staples and make myself a little studio thing, but up until now i have been too cheap:P. Im suprised you liked that one though. I almost didn't post it because i didn't think it really worked.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
06/21/06 11:33 PM GMT
No bracketing on the landscape one. That is probably why i am so suprised it worked out like this. Ill email you the original if you want, so you can take a look at it. The clouds changed alittle but not a lot really.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
06/29/06 2:25 PM GMT
Hey Carl , thx for the comment and advise on on the fence ( # 1 ) ; always appreciated.
I found that if you go out for shooting insects , the best time is early( still cold ) but already a bit sunny , that way they come out into the sun , but or not yet active. And it helps to have a 150 mm macro so you don't disturb them.
0∈ [?]
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." my images
07/15/06 5:31 AM GMT

I really enjoy your work posted here at Caedes. I started looking through the listing of photos posted by you, and realized about half of them were ones I'd really liked without realizing they're all from the same guy! It sure looks beautiful there in Alberta.
0∈ [?]
08/05/06 3:19 PM GMT
I don't like that color space because it puts the underscore before the file name, not after the DSC. It is annoying:P. Im pretty sure when you open in photoshop it might convert it anyways.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
09/07/06 5:41 AM GMT
Hi Carl. Thanks for the interest in my gallery. Regarding your comment on "Leap" I think its about 50-70 feet jump.
0∈ [?]
09/14/06 2:24 PM GMT
Hey. Thanks for giving me a general estimate of your shutter speed when shooting a sunset/rise. Um...thats it for now...
0∈ [?]
Me @ devART. <-- Modified/new images there...and of course you can join Timmy's Caedsian's Club.
09/21/06 9:45 PM GMT
I did hide the shadow alittle with editing on the goose. As for the ridge shot, no layer work. Did some editing of the blues which was mostly just the sky. It was around 1:30 2:00 or something.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
09/28/06 12:22 AM GMT
you going to post something new anytime soon?
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
10/09/06 10:05 PM GMT
Tripod is pretty good. Would be nice if it had the ball head i think:P. Or alteast a level on the head so you don't always have to look through to see if its right, but it is still good. I believe that one was with my kit lens, but i also too some with the 10-20. Ill be posting one tomorrow from it i think.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
10/12/06 2:55 AM GMT
no, it will be around 6 weeks they said. i took that one before i sent it away.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
10/18/06 1:19 PM GMT
thank you for the comment on aAlien Red. that guy was humungous, the size of my hand! so thats why there was so much detail. glad you liked it!
0∈ [?]
And for the first time in my life I felt beautiful. Finally part of the earth. Gallery
10/19/06 6:22 PM GMT
Re: polarizer, I quite like it in that shot to be honest. It gives it more perspective, especially if you know what a polarizer does and that those two bands are opposite each other in reality! The darkness/lightness in the sky just sets the clouds up better anyway, very nice photo again. :)
0∈ [?]
Fiat Lux. | Get Firefox
10/19/06 6:23 PM GMT
And thanks also for your comment on "Fall in the gutter"-- I'd forgotten about that one :) I'll post more fall pics soon from my trip to new england last weekend. Very nice colors, though they're gone by now. Thanks again.
0∈ [?]
Fiat Lux. | Get Firefox
10/22/06 8:27 PM GMT
i didn't do any thing to the butterfly one to make it softer, but i don't think it was condensation either. I never noticed there being any and i don't thinka ll of the shots are like that. I think it was the 2.8 that did that.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
11/01/06 1:48 AM GMT
Someone just left a comment on this old shot of mine and i read your comment and it is priceless. Sums up that picture so well.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
11/03/06 2:36 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
11/12/06 6:38 PM GMT
Hi Carl, Thanks for checking out "Agent Orange" and leaving a comment. Comments always help me to fine tune the way I shoot and edit images so they are much appreciated. Lightroom is mostly for tweeking color values, levels, luminosity , etc. Which is much better to do before converting raw images since the raw files have the most amount of info to use. You're deciding what info to use in the conversion and not destroying data (or very little data) . Chip
0∈ [?]
shoot to thrill
12/02/06 6:24 AM GMT
Hello Carl.

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to thank you for your kind comments on "September Yellow" but I do want you to know I appreciate them. I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas.

I think the shutter speed was around 1/125th.

0∈ [?]
12/05/06 6:11 AM GMT
Nah, this is a new one. We did do that, but i don't think we had a tripod, so they didn't turn out very well. They are alright, but pretty soft. I had some fresh stuff laying around today, so i thought i would try with the right stuff.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
12/07/06 10:05 PM GMT
Your photography is absolutely stunning, an inspiration for me. WOW!
0∈ [?]
12/17/06 4:59 AM GMT
I'm gong to model my life after it. But yes, motto would work too:P
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
01/09/07 12:59 AM GMT
I'd have to agree mostly with what you said on my last shot. You are right, facing up stream seems to always work better. I'm not sure why. I like that you noticed the sky. It was very strange. I think it looks like i took a brush and put the blue in there, but i didn't. It looks blown out, but yet its not white. Im going to guess the rain caused that too.

and to quote a comment i made on October 22, 05, "Don't you think it might be time to update that age field?"
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
01/19/07 3:49 AM GMT
You caught me. The green floor had a bunch of crappy reflections and was really dual so i colored over it with green at about 60% opacity. I used the blur brush to clean up some of the crap on the players feet. So ya, i did do some stuff. That is actually me dropping in the ball and i did try without me being there and i don't think i liked it as much. I dunno. I did think of the four way lights. If only i had four flashes:P.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
01/24/07 6:09 AM GMT
i posted the fooseball picture last week. You can't bug me about not posting until i go a month or so:P.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
02/03/07 7:04 PM GMT
You have lovely work on the site Carl.Congrats on your AOTM.
Peace&Respect Jojo
0∈ [?]
Laying Easy Somewhere Shade Across My Mind
02/08/07 1:49 AM GMT
Your work is wonderous, mind if I befriend you?
0∈ [?]
I'm 18 and don't travel much. But I tend to bring my camera around just to catch what sticks out from my everyday goings. (pardon me if I speak my mind) *~* Gallery *~*
02/10/07 6:56 PM GMT
I know i stole your location. Did you notice one of the people who commented said that they thought i had taken a shot there in a different season? :P Wasn't me. I was down at my grandparents house so i thought i would drive by there while i was down there. I don't know if i really like the composition. Im not a huge fan of the way the stairs and water sit in there. I dunno, sometimes i look at it and say thats pretty good, while others i say, na, i don't really like it.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
02/14/07 11:51 PM GMT
I took the picture of the frost on the river at my cabin. There was some holes in the ice that opened up to another layer of ice. These were on the top level. I hope that makes sense.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
02/26/07 9:29 PM GMT
sup bro
0∈ [?]
Another day, Another dollar -Marge Simpson
02/27/07 2:09 AM GMT
Hey Carl,

Thanks for the comments on 'Morning Reflections (HDR)' very much appreciated. HDR is very easy to over do. I usually try three different tone mapping operators and pick the best one.
0∈ [?]
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is. Albert Camus ........ My Gallery
03/08/07 1:07 AM GMT
You just keep getting better and better. You are truly an amazing young man.
All the best and my deepest respect.
0∈ [?]
-DFX -
03/26/07 5:04 AM GMT
What is that about two cameras? Does scott have one too, and was also taking pictures at the same time?
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
03/26/07 9:03 PM GMT
If you were sharing the flash, by having your exposures at the same time, could you not have just set his camera on manual and put the flash off. Then just set the exposure to the same as your camera, and since they are going at the same time, your flash would work for both cameras?
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
04/02/07 2:36 AM GMT
i might grab that from you sometime. Pretty big, so it might be tricky. We will see. I can always start from scratch. I think the biggest thing would be to get your masks (if you use them). That is always the most work.
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No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
07/19/07 10:46 PM GMT
I just told quinn the same thing about animal shots on flikr the other day:P. What can i say, the zoo is easier:P. And ya, i think you are probably right about the barb wire. Your angle might have been a little different and you added the noise. But really i doubt you were the first to take the shot either:P.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
07/31/07 8:57 AM GMT
Thanks for the comments on Lough Cowey Dusk.
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08/10/07 4:58 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
08/28/07 12:15 AM GMT
I've got about a hundred of different shots similar to the lighthouse one. Most of them are actually landscape ones. I'll get around to posting a few like that too. It is hard to decide which ones i like the best. The water is different in everyone.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
09/05/07 3:27 AM GMT
I took a few out, but the ones that are left weren't going to well:P. A lot of them are in front of stuff that is hard to make up myself.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
09/17/07 9:08 PM GMT
Wow Carl, your gallery is very impressive! I'm short on time to comment on individual images right now but I look forward to exploring it in more depth later. I haven't been to Caedes in months till the other day but hope to make more time for it like I used to. What kind of camera do you use? There's such clarity in your shots- you're very talented in your composition etc. Can't wait to see more!
0∈ [?]
09/19/07 8:49 PM GMT
Hi Carl,
Thanks for your nice comment on "Sea Shell Mix", and about my gallery in general. I really appreciate it :) And I'm glad you liked my water-macros, because I'm posting more these days!
I'm off to see your gallery now,
Have a good evening!
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"To The World You Might Be One Person; But To One Person You Might Be the World." My Gallery
10/03/07 2:00 AM GMT
I agree with your comment about the red. Especially that one car kinda in the middle. The rest of the picture has a bit of a timeless old fashion kind of look to it, but then there is this 90s-2000s car in there. Boo.

Its too bad the planet didn't work. i was thinking maybe that mountain one would work, but wasn't sure. I've been looking for a good place to do one. I thought i found a pretty sweet place on my trip. It was in the Halifax citidal (an old fort). I was down in the courtyard area, so there was walls all the way around, but half of them were in the sun, and half in the shade, so it too didn't work out too nice.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
12/11/07 8:26 PM GMT
That is what i figured. I was wondering if maybe you had one of those tiny tripods, or if you used a rock or something.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
12/12/07 3:18 AM GMT
I thought about trying to take the parks sign off it, but im to lazy being that it is on siding that is running on an angle. That would be a big pain to clone in.

On the other one i did have the sky darker, but since the foreground is fairly dark the darker sky made the picture seem a underexposed a bit. So i decided to go with the brighter sky. As for the green light, i will be sure to tell them next time im there that they should change the color of it.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
01/03/08 10:29 PM GMT
You are an amazing photographer!
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I want to sail away into the night sky.
02/13/08 1:35 AM GMT
but they were red:p. I think i know what you mean. I brought the red paint out a bit and was to lazy to stop that from affecting the shingles as well.
0∈ [?]
No one wanted to pay to say something in my sig, so i will have to try and think of something creative now...
09/29/11 12:29 AM GMT
Carl, Your gallery is magnificent and you come from an awesome place. I spent two weeks in Banff and Jasper and could not get enough of everything. My spirit was free and it felt like I could really connect with something much greater and grander. I was humbled at how insignificant we really are in the larger picture. I admire those who hike and camp out in these places. They make me keenly aware of danger especially when foggy, misty and grey. It seems I need to be out of there before sundown. Thank you for sharing your experiences and beautiful pictures! Vanda

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