
Homepage for .edwinp


Real Name:
Southern California 
1977 (48 years) 
09/01/03 6:28 PM GMT10/03/23 3:40 PM GMT 

Recent Works by edwinp: (full gallery)

Ginza, Tokyo by edwinp, Photography->City gallery Relaxing in Cancun by edwinp, Photography->Architecture gallery California Grazing by edwinp, Photography->Landscape gallery
Ginza, Tokyo Relaxing in Cancun California Grazing


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07/12/05 12:01 AM GMT
Hello! Welcome to caedes! Have fun. :)
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"Love the Lord our God with all of your mind,heart & soul"-Bible
08/15/05 7:49 AM GMT
i looked at your favorite gallery itis one picture but it is very nice i hopp taht you see at natural pictures
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09/12/05 1:25 PM GMT
hi, by ur gallery im guessing ur from greece, am i correct?
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"Most lies about blondes are flase."
09/25/05 5:57 AM GMT
actually i'm from the usa
0∈ [?]
11/30/05 8:02 AM GMT
Indeed a lovely gallery you have there...btw, thanx for your comment on "Lovely lil' street". It's been taken in Greece ;o)
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The Artist Formerly Known as B1aze!
11/30/05 9:22 AM GMT
Hello Edwin, Thank you for your comments about “Sydney Harbour” I’m glad you like it and I’m sure you will revisit Sydney one day.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
12/16/05 10:23 PM GMT
Was up how r you
0∈ [?]
01/05/06 6:14 PM GMT
Hi there, I love your pictures from Italy, Sienna. I have been in Sienna in May, and the town square was totally deserted, because the weather was not that good. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful square and I was able to take some nice pictures. I can only wonder how it was in that crowd, but I would have loved to see that race! Love to see more of your work!
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Those who race through life, finish first...
01/12/06 7:28 PM GMT
Thanks Edwin for commenting 'Skylight' , much appreciated /HJ
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02/12/06 12:17 AM GMT
Thank you Edwin, for your kind comments to February Autumn
Very much appreciated.....Bob
0∈ [?]
06/20/06 1:33 PM GMT
Hi there Edwin, thanks for the comment on "Trafalgar Square". Yeah, it does seem to be a clearer than average day...I was there last summer and we actually had a lot of weather like this! Glad you enjoyed the shot!
0∈ [?]
"Solitudinem faciunt, et pacem appellant"

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