I read the idea you left for me on my "March Of The Titans" image, and it's intriguing. I'll give it a try to see how it comes out. My Paintshop skills are a bit limited, and whenever I try post-production work it tends to come out choppy - not nearly the quality that I want in my work. Then I read about people using Spline filters and Gaussian blurs, etc, and I wonder where the heck they find out about stuff like that, and it makes me feel like my efforts are a bit futile. I suppose I'll get it eventually. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks for your comment on "Ridge", the clouds are moving very fast, they com up and disapear quickly or chance direction, but thanks for the suggestion.
I never thought I'd meet up with a real live triffid - nor any other person who'd actually seen the horrid movie! Thanks for your comments. Neener, neener, neener. anne :-)
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
Penta-tongued lemon lipper - now that's a mouthful that I can't even say once so I won't. But thanks for your kind words about some kind of Hawaiian idunno. anne :-)
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
Hello Dear Caedes Friend, I will be away with business and ministry for a few weeks so I won't be available to respond to comments or leave any critiques. I will check in when I can but wanted to let you all know that I'm not ignoring you, just not available. Bless you, anne :-)
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
Annie and I invite you to visit
our website.
Photography is not a trade - it is an art. It is more that an art.
It is a solar phenomenon,
where the artist collaborates with the sun.
deLamartine 1855
Thanks for the comments on Spring Flooding. Yes it really roars through in the spring when snow melt & rains are going on. I just posted a recent one from the falls; if you look in my gallery you can see the difference!
The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people.
G. K. Chesterton
My Gallery
Hi A, Thanks for your encouragement on the South Shore Oahu Lighthouse image. I wsn't sure about that one because it's not as sharp as I'd like but It's getting good reviews anyway. Go figure. It probably was windy as I recall wind all the time on the islands. Good point. Still, it was a bright sunny day so the aperture should have been stopped down enough to eliminate any blurring. Who knows. Sometimes it's just hit and miss, ya know? anne :-)
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
Thank you for your recent comment on Blue Dragonfly ..Thanks for pointing out it is a damselfly ..I found that out a while ago and kept forgetting to go back and change name and description ..Thanks again.
You do not have to thank me if I leave a comment on your image...unless you really want to. ...this is a new thing to save time. =) All my thanks are becoming, "Thank you for the comments." over and over... If you want to thank me post a comment on one of my shots. I would appreciate it. Help me develop and grow.
Hello, I enjoyed reading your interesting comments about “Lisgar Falls”. I didn’t know that utilising a colour from the image into the border was officially recommended. It’s just one of those things I do sometimes :-)
Hey, thanks for the comment on "Butterfly" I looked at the image that you uploaded called "Fragile" and it has quite an interesting effect, i think it would work great for my image too, i will try it.
The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people.
G. K. Chesterton
My Gallery
Picture Purrrfect .
A purrrfect world is what we all want, but, seems too unobtainable. If I've viewed and commented on your post, and you liked my remarks then NO THANKS is needed...just getting to see your wonderful work is thanks enough for me!!
Also BIG thanks to all who check out my work!! I appreciate any and all comments & feedback!!
thank you so much for the comments on anahola cove. i just looked at your gallery. you have taken WONDERFUL photographs. i'll have to keep checking back or maybe you could add me to your list to notify. thanks jen
I'm stunned at the comments that came in for "Distant Lake." I thought it was a nice shot but one never knows what's going to send others over the top, does one? Thanks for your very kind remark, love. Blessings, anne :-)
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
Reference: Poodle Spider's House. How big is this spider? It's biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig! This is a huge spider. From tip of hind legs to tips of front legs....must be 4-5 inches. I keep my distance.
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is.
Albert Camus
My Gallery
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
Nei-ei-eigh. I heard what you said about horses from a teenager I know who rides. I didn't quite get what she was saying. You put it much more succinctly A. Thanks for clarifying this for me and thank your friend for all of us too. I did rather think it was her way of checking me out somehow because she didn't appear to be threatening. I will say though, I'd heard from the people who owned the property that some of these wild horses can be pretty ornery so I was keeping my distance beside the truck with the door open! Goodnight, anne :-)
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
Hello...Many thanks for taking the time to have a look at (MISTY MORNING) and for your comments, it is very much appreciated....I know we have lovely scenery here in Cornwall, but, I have just spent a couple of weeks in Scotland where the scenery is just breathtaking....I will be posting some pictures of that country in the coming weeks...Thanks again....Al;l the best...Mick.
Hello.....Many thanks for taking the time to have a look at (GLEN) and for your comments, it is very much appreciated....I spent a lovely two weeks in Scotland and will be uploading more pictures of the beautiful scenery that this country offers...Thanks again....All the best....Mick.
Hi, Iloridaa - thanks for stopping and commenting on "fearless". I really appreciate it. I actually did crop the photo but decided to post the original. The cropping took the wide open feel out of the pic and in my mind it needed to be there. After all, the sky is the bird, it's their domain - what they are about. I wasn't after a "personal level" feel with this - more of a, hmmm, "big picture" feel. If that makes any sense.
Hi, Iloridaa. My sincere appreciation for the lovely comment on "Pinky". This bunch of flowers are from the place where I shot the image "Flower girl" which I have posted before.
It was already a nice view, but she added the human aspect. Glad you enjoyed it, ilorida You're right about the luck. It sure helps, to run into some, now and again..
Thanks for stopping by..
Thank you for your kind comments on "Golden"! I am far from being a pro , but thanks anyway. LOL
I just like to hack around with Bryce and every once in a while I get lucky.
Glad you liked it.
You're a pal A. Thanks for the kind comments on peek-a-boo-bunny even though it isn't the greatest shot. It definitely doesn't win any awards but I liked him and I'm glad you did too. Blessings, anne :-)
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
Thanks so much for taking the time to enlighten me about the painting techniques and filter issues for the Akaka Falls painting. Back to the drawing board or painting board, as it were - when there's time. I really do appreciate you so much A. anne :-)
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
I think it's like Hans suggested with the Akaka Falls image - when you're there, and you see the glory of such a magnificant sight, the expectations for the outcome of a photograph are high so no matter what comes out might seem dissappointing. I'm just glad everyone is enjoying it. Thanks always for your discerning eye and encouraging remarks. anne :-)
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
Two of your pictures came up while I was voting today. I gave a 9 on one 10 on the other.
Of course after that I had to look at your gallery...then saw a number of posts I liked. So I amd adding you to my friends just to assure I don't miss any future posts. Jas
Thank you so much for your beautiful comment on 'Still life'. Knowing that someone has the same feeling about a certain picture, can give a lot of satisfaction... I appreciate your kind words a lot.
Thanks for comment on 'I don't have a clue...can you help?'. I suspect your guess is close to being correct. The do seem organic the number found has increased dramatically, as I am checking on them daily now. Jas
You're too kind A. I probably shot about 100 or more images of a whole slew of the poopy buggars (messy dudes, seriously!) and there aren't but a handful worth sharing. Mostly the geese were resting on the docks and I really didn't want to bother them because they have a long way to go before they find warmer weather. Eventually just walking close to them and talking torked 'em off and they got back in the water. Then I got a bunch parading around the park across the street looking for grub. It was fascinating watching them and waiting for that "moment" that never came. oh well. Maybe next time. Thanks for your kind remarks anyhow. I sure appreciate it. anne :-)
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
Isn't it amazing to see what others see? I never even saw what you did in Contrast & Texture until you pointed it out. Thanks for viewing and sharing your comments. Blessings, anne
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
hey thanks for your comment on old fashioned wheel..I was actually debating about if I should post it in color or not, but now I probably will.
thanks again, Ashley
Whew! You were fast jumping on that one. Noah would have been afraid of the rainstorm we had yesterday. It was lue lue. Thks for taking a peek. Did ya get wet?
Hi A, thanks for all your welcome comments on my recent posts. I do appreciate it even if I don't acknowledge every mention. I just don't have the time and I KNOW you understand about that! Ich werde Sie um Freund sehen. Blessings, anne
Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
Hello iloridaa_enjekat! I appreciate your glowing comments on my Radium Springs Revisited image. Thanks for viewing it. Feel free to forward it to your friends for viewing or as a wallpaper. Remember it is a copyrighted image and can't be used for any other purpose without my permission.
Anything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.
Edward Weston
Thanks so much for taking the time to critique my first caedes upload, "mist". I appreciate the thoughtful comments, and am so excited to have found this great community!- Greg
Hello there! Thank you so much for your lovely and insightful comments on Misty Morning. I really appreciate the feedback and am so glad that the image pleased you!
Hoi, iloridaa_enjekat (Nice name!)
Thanks for your wondeful, exceptional, comment with a
lot of humor and imagination on my post the "Nautical Pigeon"!!
Salute, Amigo!
Couta Boat: Many thanks for the comment, I was out photographing the Couta Boats again on Saturday. I'd be happy for you to email me the version you have created. - photo@steb.com.au
"What other reason could there be to get up in the morning except to set ourselves free."
If my comment on your work ever seems to criticise, it does not. It is always so that we may learn together.
Thanks for your detailed comment on "Ghostly Solitude", interesting stuff. I'll be sure to pass that information on to my dad, he was the one who spotted the house/school in the first place. He'll be quite intrigued. Also, I just wanted to note, I believe the picture was taken in either Nevada, Idaho or Oregon. In case that means anything to you.
Thanks again, Dani
Salutations and thanks for visiting "Geronimo," I'm really thrilled you stopped by. Au revoir, Kelcey:) p.s. I have named the jumping bird "Lenore" in your honour:)
"What other reason could there be to get up in the morning except to set ourselves free."
If my comment on your work ever seems to criticise, it does not. It is always so that we may learn together.
Thanks for all your comments on "The Last House".It's great fun to go down to the front with all the other 'mad' photographers to try and catch Nature at her most spectacular.
For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, His eternal power and Godhead;... Rom 1:20
Thank you for your comments and info about “Precarious Perch”. I had heard that fossils of dragonflies have been found the size of seagulls. To see them flying would have been an awesome sight.
Thanks for your comment and suggestions. Actually until your comment I did not even know what CI was. So I really dont care much about it. Yes I guyess I should have stepped back to take a picture covering a wider range showing perpective. I guess I was too enamoured by the light through the steam.
-My Gallery-
The virtue of the camera is not the power it has to transform the photographer into an artist, but the impulse it gives him to keep on looking. - Brooks Anderson
Thank you very very much for your valuable advices re "Alhambra". You are absolutely right about the time one has to spend to get a perfect shot. I certainly will try my best to keep in mind the very good point you've raised. I hope my amateurish skills will be brushed up a bit!
Yet, I have to also point out that with my wife and children around (and impatient -see my comments on my photo "Man and Serpent") it's a monumental task to give my hobby any more time that they can suspend!
Re PhotoShop works on the images, again I thank you for your precious advice. There, too, I'm only learning!
Hello....Many thanks for viewing (STONEHENGE UK)and for your WONDERFUL comments,they are indeed very much appreciated....I like to capture the Stonehenge during a sunset/sunrise....Thankyou again ....All the best....Mick.
Thank you for the information about my photo “Demoiselle”. Particularly the differences between Damselfly’s and Dragonfly’s. I have a large book with all the known Australian species in it. However this particular one doesn’t seem to be in it. Just my luck eh :-)
Thanks for commenting on "Peace Valley", I really appreciate your kind thoughts. You're right about the high stress jobs...I have a pretty high stress job (especially this time of year!) and I've had this on my desktop. I did think about cloning out the little light in the background too (its actually from a bridge), but I liked its reflection in the water.
Thank you for your thoughts about “Backyard Beastie II” I.E. I like the concept of that caterpillar going through an identity crisis, it appeals to my sense of humour :-)
"What other reason could there be to get up in the morning except to set ourselves free."
If my comment on your work ever seems to criticise, it does not. It is always so that we may learn together.
You wrote:"Great shot, Pat. It may not have been apparent to you at the time (outstanding photos are more often a gut instinct than pre-planning), but I really like the diagonal balance between the silhouetted tree on the left and the contrail on the right. I usually try to remove contrails when they appear in my shots but in this photo it enhances the whole image by adding to the mix of various kinds of lines--in the sky, the marsh grasses, the wavelets, the branches, and the three shorelines." This was in reference to "Be There".
Wanted to thankyou for the insightful commentary. Your analysis was very perceptive and detailed. Thks for taking the time.
Hi and thanks for leaving me that rare thing, a full and frank appraisal of a photo (Walton on the Naze). You commented on the one thing that frustrated me with it, the lack of sharp focus. The reason is that it was cropped in tight from a much larger picture, which I felt had too much sky and sea and not enough interest. I'm glad you saw the different layers of contrast as that was what made me think it was worth posting. It was one of those lucky moments with amazing light. Thanks again for taking the time to tell me what you thought.
Thank you for those detailed comments and compliments on Tempest. You're right for the tip of the sail - it betrays the manip! I noticed it after I had uploaded it.
Hey..thanks for commenting on "Grand Prismatic"..always very much appreciated. We actually did think about how nice it would have been to have a ladder at this spot. You're exactly right about how much just a few feet higher can be.
One item on my "bucket list" is to visit every National Park in the United States. So far, 2 are in the book. Please check out my website for all my shots from Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.
Very "impressive" comment, especially that "The only thing that might be missing here is a traditional Albanian water craft." What does it mean? I didn't understand that. Who told you that this photo was taken in Albania? This is in Ohrid, this is the Ohrid Lake, near the monastery St Jovan Kaneo, 500 meters from the town Ohrid, which is in MACEDONIA. Albanians are mostly muslems, they have mosques, not churches and monasteries. You know something about photography, but, I'm sorry, nothing about geography. Or you are one of those who fantasize that his ancestors were from Ilirida? Dream on.
Wow! Why did it take you so long for your "favor"? :))) I am rude? When it comes from you, it's not an offense. You "offered appreciation of my photo"? Give me a break. You just used it to wrap your nationalist remark. I like criticism, when it is constructive, but if there are no facts, it's gossiping. Yes, I'm too old for gossiping. You think you can write that you are graphic designer and photographer and that gives you the right to spit around? If you are that brave, how come you don't write anything about yourself? Age 0? Yes, you act like one. At least I wrote my real name, years..... If you looked up in Google, how come you didn't see it was in Macedonia, can't you read maps? How is it possible that you didn't make a mistake to comment about Macedonian signs. You looked up to learn? And what did you learn? You know many things about the Moslems, (Muslims, which by the way has two spellings), naturally, because I think that you are Albanian. You are naive if you think that you can hide your name, because your user name Ilorida says everything about you. You are right, I don't know anything about the lake Sakakawea, I only know it's called Sacagawea, but if I look up in Google, or another map, at least I would learn correctly, I wouldn't make your mistake, to mix the nations and their symbols. You don't claim Balkans ethnicity, now you are in the USA, but obviously your thoughts are in Balkans. You think I attack you? Why would I bother with you? Everything you say about my country, only says about you as a person. It's like a mirror, obvious. You are arrogant, trying to insult, (but you don’t' succeed), because you are just a bag of complexes. You cover your inferiority with showing off, "knowing all". And you are wrong, I have vivid imagination, I shoot different places, I have fantasy enough to find different sights, angles. I have many photos from another countries, but I let the others show and present their countries, I present mine. I don't want to be a bigger catholic than the Pope. Have you heard that Van Gogh, Renoir and other French impressionists have painted 30 and more paintings of the same cathedral, field, sunrise, sunset, in different time of the day and the year? Do you know any of those artists? Or am I just confusing you? I am surprised how come you don't like Caedes and you are its member for two years. Only a moron can be somewhere for two years if he doesn't like it. People even break from prisons, where there are guards and high walls. But I'm glad if I helped you to leave. O, my, god, or shell I say, Allah, how come you choose a moron as Groucho Marx, when you have so many smart people, philosophers? Maybe you don't know any of them?
One item on my "bucket list" is to visit every National Park in the United States. So far, 2 are in the book. Please check out my website for all my shots from Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.
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