
Works by biffobear

Peek by biffobear, photography->insects/spiders gallery Borrowdale mill by biffobear, photography->mills gallery Shag by biffobear, photography->birds gallery
Peek Borrowdale mill Shag
Hey Donald by biffobear, photography->manipulation gallery Male by biffobear, photography->birds gallery Red sails in the sunset by biffobear, photography->sunset/rise gallery
Hey Donald Male Red sails in the sunset
Blackbird by biffobear, photography->birds gallery The pumping station by biffobear, photography->city gallery Madison by biffobear, photography->people gallery
Blackbird The pumping station Madison
Low Force by biffobear, photography->waterfalls gallery Sandy by biffobear, photography->people gallery High Level by biffobear, Photography->Bridges gallery
Low Force Sandy High Level